Other B4A v11.80 is available for download

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I'm happy to release a new version of B4A.
This update includes the new designer script extensions (DSE) feature: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-designer-script-extensions.141312/#content
I believe that overtime this feature will change the way we manage complex layouts.


Other improvements:
  • This is the first 64 bit version of B4A IDE, which means that it will handle better large projects.
    It will be installed by default under Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A.
    It will not run on 32 bit Windows. Note that the CPU architecture doesn't affect the compiled apps.
  • RUNTIME conditional symbol - an automatic symbol that is added during compilation. It can be used to exclude code from the IDE case-corrector.
  • Updated libraries: B4XPages v1.11, XUI Views v2.55, BCTextEngine v1.92, XUI v2.2, SMM v1.13.
  • New DesignerUtils (DDD) library with a new designer script framework.
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements.

Note that the UI Cloud has been removed. It was in quite a bad state for a while. Newer devices misbehave when running for a long time as servers and it became impossible to maintain it.

Download link: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html


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Great again..

In old version 32 bits, this code are not show as error:
Do While Rs.NextRow Then
         Hay = True

now, this new version detect the error in code: 'THEN' is not correct


In this version i copy ALL libreary from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A

and No overwrite files (If this is not correct, talk me)
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when install new version, in windows program installed are only one B4X , PERFECT, but

I guess is better DELETE old 32 bits version from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android
in a few days?
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I guess is better DELETE old 32 bits version from:
I NEVER saw any 64bit software which deinstalls an installed 32bit-Version.
It is a NEW App with a new AppGUID and is different from the 32bit-one.

Delete the 32bit Version if you do not want it any longer.
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In this version i copy ALL libreary from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A
No need to do this. All the up to date official libraries are installed for you and additional ones should go in your additional libraries folder.
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All working well here Erel, thank you.

A couple of notes:

Since this is 64bit, a change has to be made thus:
Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 16.12.27.png

SysWOW64 dir rather than System32

Also, this is long-standing:

Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 16.15.19.png

Minor, I know, but B4X is a highly professional product and such small details take away from that :)

Thank you for your continued hard work,
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Wow! Crazy new things happening at compile time!

Cool things!

[once per project if old project stuff copied in it?]
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You seem to use Macs. Are you using Parallels or another VM? Driver feature?
Currently I'm using Parallels on my Mac with Win11 but I've used Windows XP, 7, 10 and 11 on "normal" PCs before and had this same little issue.
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