Android Question B4A (v8.3) - AVD / SDK Problems


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Hello good people.

b4a ide has a great progress so I decided to rely on it further and start using it's SDK and AVD.

until now, I was using an external AVD manager that was previously installed by android studio or eclipse or whatever in previous attempts to learn..

(since then I uninstalled android studio.will it help b4a if I reinstall it ?)

anyway, the external AVD I was using (which is pointing to X:\oldsdk\AVD Manager.exe)
was working fine so I simply open b4a and separately launch this AVD.

since I learned (in the hard way) to search before post, I already did the following :

1. reinstalled / updated and configured in b4a the latest java jdk
2. downloaded and installed in a new dir the sdk command line tools
3. configured b4a to the new android jar

When clicking on sdk manager I get this :

what did I miss?
How do I continue from here?


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Are you sure that the new Android SDK was installed in a new folder?

I don't see any "platforms" directory in the new android sdk.

was wondering if to copy the "platforms" directory from the old sdk? why it was not created at first place when installing it?

got a feeling I am missing something very basic here...
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OK got it.
forgot the sdkmanager.bat at the top....

I should open me a private forum where I ask and answer myself.
after all, I'm a Gemini

Thank you Erel. I should be more patient and explore some more before jumping to post.
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Hello Good People
I followed all instructions carefully for working with the b4a avd and sdk manager.

SDK finally load ok.

When I try to open the AVD I get this error .

any hint ??


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yes I noticed.
meanwhile, I Installed android studio and using it's avd.

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