B4i (iOS) - Updates thread


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I think is would be a good idea if someone who is well versed in 'apple world' ( I am not) put together a pdf with the basic specs that we will need for B4i so no premature mistakes are made


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i going today to buy a mac pc (mac mini or macbook pro), will see.. and hope b4i will be out soon so we can test it...


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I think is would be a good idea if someone who is well versed in 'apple world' ( I am not) put together a pdf with the basic specs that we will need for B4i so no premature mistakes are made

Difficult to do until B4i is actually here. When that is the case, I will try to prepare a short shopping list

I'm not to bothered about the cost, I just want it to work first time

I have been developing Mac software for quite a while. My current machine is a 21" iMac. I know a lot of developers who use the Mac Book Pro. Both are convenient because they are self-contained.

The Mac Mini is interesting for a desktop PC owner because it can accept both a PC screen and a PC keyboard. So with Boot Camp or Virtual PC you can use it seamlessly in both environments.

The Mini Quad is using the same processor as the iMac.

The only machine more powerful is the Mac Pro, but it is most suited for graphic and video applications a developer seldom need. Have a look at apple.com for prices. I bought from the Apple Store, but Amazon could offer better deals.

That said, the power of current Macs is necessary only if you need to be able to run the new systems for a longer while. Just to compile with XCode and run Mountain Lion (10.8.4) or Mavericks (10.9) or soon Yosemite (10.10), a used machine not older than 2 years can do the job very nicely.
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To learn SWIFT, I have set up a virtual machine (using VMWare) on my PC running Mac OS Maverick and installed XCode 6. I must say I am very pleased with the performance and this may due to the fact that I have a PC with a pretty fast CPU and plenty of RAM of which I have assigned 2 processors and 8GB of RAM to Mac OS when running. This system works very nice.

I haven't tested yet but in VMWare I can configure that the virtual machine gets assigned its own IP-address in my LAN. I am wondering if this would permit me to use b4i without actually buying Mac-hardware?


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i think you will have problem publishing your apps to the app store with a pc using a virtual machine
i have also installed mac via VMWare on my notebook and its running very slow (i7, 8 GB RAM), everything takes lot of time,
so i decided to buy a mac and doing it on the original way... (mac mini is really a cheap solution for that and it should do the job)


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i see that there are some people here that has experience with swift and xcode6, is it possible to share some of your projects so newbies like me could learn from it a little, like how to use a timer, drawing, activities, buttons,...


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My virtual mac (VMware) runs with good performance (i7 with 12GB, VM 4GB).
To have problems publishing apps the MacOS needs to know running in a VM and must inform the app store about this. But if the MacOS has the information i think apple would blocking it running in the VM.


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i think apple will know if u use a mac or a VM... (you will also need to authorize you pc and does it work via VM?? can you use Itunes on your VM? i have not tried it until now)


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My virtual machine runs well. I am more interested in knowing if b4i would be able to work with a virtual machine (with its own IP-address) since if I recall correctly, b4i works over a network (LAN) connection. As for publishing any apps, I guess I can use my wife's MAC when I need it.

i see that there are some people here that has experience with swift and xcode6, is it possible to share some of your projects so newbies like me could learn from it a little, like how to use a timer, drawing, activities, buttons,...

I am doing some online courses with SWIFT on Udemy and (so far) I haven't found it too difficult. It is quite similar to Java.


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Normally, installing OS X in a virtual machine on a PC breaks the EULA just as well as using a hackintosh.

But I never tried it, so I have no idea if Apple can find out. Since a VM will simulate a hardware environment, I would suppose that VMWare which is a prominent developer of VM running Windows on Mac has enough knowledge to make their virtual Mac credible.

Issues reported in forums with virtual mac are often that the screen flickers, since the PC does not have the hardware double buffering, or that the very latest version of Mac OS X cannot be installed.

About iOS development, I found this :

It is a bit ancient, but the method described may still work.
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