I'm working on a B4I Port project and an important part of it is to scan barcodes in PDF417 format.
Unfortunately there is no library or wrapper for B4I that can do this yet.
I have picked out 1 views/libraries, who feels able to wrap one of the 1 so we can use it in the B4I project, please contact me.
I'm working on a B4I Port project and an important part of it is to scan barcodes in PDF417 format.
Unfortunately there is no library or wrapper for B4I that can do this yet.
I have picked out 1 views/libraries, who feels able to wrap one of the 1 so we can use it in the B4I project, please contact me.
GitHub - nenosinc/RMScannerView: Simple barcode scanner UIView subclass for iOS apps. Quickly and efficiently scans a large variety of barcodes using the iOS device's built in camera.
Simple barcode scanner UIView subclass for iOS apps. Quickly and efficiently scans a large variety of barcodes using the iOS device's built in camera. - nenosinc/RMScannerView
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