B4A Library B4X Libraries Index

Online Table

Developers who want to add their libraries: click on the green button in the top right corner and request editor permissions.
Note that the order of items in the table is not important

The table is also used by the IDE to show the online version. Clicking on the blue version number will take the developer to the library thread.

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Longtime User
Where are you guys seeing the online column?
I do not have it
Is it B4J only?


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Is it on the roadmap to search this online index from within the IDE? And add libraries fast? Thanks


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Licensed User
Query 1 :: If we update a library, do we ....

a. make a new entry, leaving old one as it is
b. update the old entry with new "update time" and new info
c. delete old one, and make a new one

Query 2 :: I see some entries with one for each from b4a, b4i and b4j
a. do we make separate entries or club into one ?

Query 3 :: For libraries that may be cross platform ...
a. do we make a separate forum links (not everyone can post in b4i)