B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Mapping a range of numbers into a target number of simplified categories

For humans it is easy to do this, but it is hard to translate the idea of "simplified" into an algorithm.
I needed this, so I thought I'd share. Apologies if this has already done by others - if so, I couldn't find it.

'Mapping a range of numbers into a target number of simplified categories
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Dim ncategories As Int = 15            'or close to this
    Dim minValue As Double = 1134.7
    Dim maxValue As Double = 25185.8
    Dim lowerBoundaries As List = thresholds(ncategories, minValue, maxValue)
    For i = 1 To lowerBoundaries.Size - 1
        Dim lower As String = NumberFormat2(lowerBoundaries.Get(i-1), 1, 5, 0, False)
        Dim upper As String = NumberFormat2(lowerBoundaries.Get(i), 1, 5, 0, False)
        Log(i & TAB & lower & IIf(i < lowerBoundaries.Size - 1, " up to (excl.) " & upper, " up to (incl.) " & maxValue))
        '1    1000 up to (excl.) 3000
        '2    3000 up to (excl.) 5000
        '3    5000 up to (excl.) 7000
        '4    7000 up to (excl.) 9000
        '5    9000 up to (excl.) 11000
        '6    11000 up to (excl.) 13000
        '7    13000 up to (excl.) 15000
        '8    15000 up to (excl.) 17000
        '9    17000 up to (excl.) 19000
        '10    19000 up to (excl.) 21000
        '11    21000 up to (excl.) 23000
        '12    23000 up to (excl.) 25000
        '13    25000 up to (incl.) 25185.8

    'This alogoritm can also be used to do the same thing for dates - with a bit of pre and post processing
    DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    Dim ncategories As Int = 15            'or close to this
    Dim minDate As String = "1995-04-21"
    Dim maxDate As String = "2021-07-17"
    Dim lowerBoundaries As List = periods(ncategories, minDate, maxDate)
    For i = 1 To lowerBoundaries.Size - 1
        Dim lower As String = lowerBoundaries.Get(i-1)
        Dim upper As String = lowerBoundaries.Get(i)
        Log(i & TAB & lower & IIf(i < lowerBoundaries.Size - 1, " up to (excl.) " & upper, " up to (incl.) " & maxDate))
        '1    1994-01-01 up to (excl.) 1996-01-01
        '2    1996-01-01 up to (excl.) 1998-01-01
        '3    1998-01-01 up to (excl.) 2000-01-01
        '4    2000-01-01 up to (excl.) 2002-01-01
        '5    2002-01-01 up to (excl.) 2004-01-01
        '6    2004-01-01 up to (excl.) 2006-01-01
        '7    2006-01-01 up to (excl.) 2008-01-01
        '8    2008-01-01 up to (excl.) 2010-01-01
        '9    2010-01-01 up to (excl.) 2012-01-01
        '10    2012-01-01 up to (excl.) 2014-01-01
        '11    2014-01-01 up to (excl.) 2016-01-01
        '12    2016-01-01 up to (excl.) 2018-01-01
        '13    2018-01-01 up to (excl.) 2020-01-01
        '14    2020-01-01 up to (incl.) 2021-07-17
End Sub

Sub thresholds(ncats As Int, minimum As Double, maximum As Double) As List
    Dim result As List: result.Initialize  
    If ncats<>ncats Or ncats = 1/0 Or ncats = 0 Or maximum = minimum Then Return result    'Algorithm fails if ncats = (NaN or infinity or 0) Or range = 0
    Dim range As Double = maximum - minimum
    Dim roughStepSize As Double = range / ncats
    Dim factor As Double = Power(10, Floor(Logarithm(roughStepSize, 10)))    'Factor is .001, .01, 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc.
    Dim simplifiedStep As Double = factor * Ceil(roughStepSize / factor)    'need largest number, Ceil
    Dim simplifiedMinimum As Double = factor * Floor(minimum / factor)        'need lowest number, Floor
    Dim threshold As Double = simplifiedMinimum
    Dim k As Int                                                            'use multiplier, cumulative adding adds inaccuracy
    Do Until threshold > (maximum + simplifiedStep)                            'maximum should be less then largest threshold
        k = k + 1
        threshold = simplifiedMinimum + k * simplifiedStep
    Return result
End Sub

Sub periods(ncats As Int, earliest As String, latest As String) As List
    Dim result As List
    Dim dt0 As Long = DateTime.DateParse(earliest)
    Dim dtn As Long = DateTime.DateParse(latest)
    Dim daysBetween As Period = DateUtils.PeriodBetweenInDays(dt0, dtn)
    Dim range As Long = daysBetween.Days
    Dim nominalUnit As String            'determine what the units should be (days, weeks, months, years - extend for centuries etc.)
    Dim minValue, maxValue As Double
    minValue  = dt0 / DateTime.TicksPerDay
    maxValue = dtn / DateTime.TicksPerDay
    If range / 365 > ncats Then
        nominalUnit = "Years"
        minValue = minValue / 365
        maxValue = maxValue / 365
    Else If range / 30 > ncats Then
        nominalUnit = "Months"
        minValue = minValue / 30
        maxValue = maxValue / 30
    Else If range / 7 > ncats Then
        nominalUnit = "Weeks"
        minValue = minValue / 7
        maxValue = maxValue / 7
        nominalUnit = "Days"
    End If
    Dim tempResult As List = thresholds(ncats, minValue, maxValue)        'can use the numbers algorithm
    For i = 0 To tempResult.Size - 1
        Dim d As Long = tempResult.Get(i)
        Dim dt As String
        Select nominalUnit
            Case "Years"
                dt = DateTime.Date(d * 365 * DateTime.TicksPerDay)
                dt = dt.SubString2(0, 4) & "-01-01"
            Case "Months"
                dt = DateTime.Date(d * 30 * DateTime.TicksPerDay)
                dt = dt.SubString2(0, 7) & "-01"
            Case "Weeks"
                Dim ticks As Long = d * 7 * DateTime.TicksPerDay
                Dim nearestSunday As Long = ticks - DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(ticks) * DateTime.TicksPerDay
                dt = DateTime.Date(nearestSunday)
            Case "Days"
                dt = DateTime.Date(d)
        End Select
    Return result
End Sub

P.S. It looks like I am warming up to the use of "IIF"

William Lancee

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True, but generally the upper boundary varies by the precision of the numbers, here the difference between 2999 and 3000 = 1, but one could have an upper boundary
of .002. The algorithm only returns the lower boundaries. Here, for demonstration I simply repeat the next lower boundary and then the < or up to will be correct.

Ticks could be used as is in the algorithm, but when the unit is months, the periods are not aligned on the first of the month, and if the unit is weeks, the periods won't be aligned on a given day (I choose Sundays).
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