I would like to set my seekbar height, is there a way to do this with B4XSeekBar?
Only modifying the class.I would like to set my seekbar height, is there a way to do this with B4XSeekBar?
Public Sub SetSeekBarHeight(Bar As B4XSeekBar, Height As Int, ChangeBaseHeightToo As Boolean, ChangeBaseWidthToo As Boolean)
Dim Ratio As Float = Bar.mBase.Width / Bar.mBase.Height
Bar.Size1 = Height * .9
Bar.Size2 = Height
Bar.Radius1 = Height * 1.1
If ChangeBaseHeightToo Then
Bar.mBase.Height = Height * 3
End If
If ChangeBaseWidthToo Then
Bar.mBase.Width = Bar.mBase.Height * Ratio
End If
End Sub