The current methodology of adding pages to the BVM app is throught .AddPage method and we are using the v-show directive to show and hide pages.
So I decided to start on the basics of components and routers. In terms of the VueJS documentation, a component is a Vue instance that cane have its own methods, own data bindings etc,
In this example we create 2 components and 2 routers. To display the router page we use a router view component. In one component we detect a mouse enter and mouse leave event and link that own methods for that component. To define each component, we use a B4J code module.
Both the router page and component are based on the VMComponent class we have created.
Note that with this we have indicated a history mode meaning that we can go back and forth based on the internet explorer navigation.
The current methodology of adding pages to the BVM app is throught .AddPage method and we are using the v-show directive to show and hide pages.
So I decided to start on the basics of components and routers. In terms of the VueJS documentation, a component is a Vue instance that cane have its own methods, own data bindings etc,
In this example we create 2 components and 2 routers. To display the router page we use a router view component. In one component we detect a mouse enter and mouse leave event and link that own methods for that component. To define each component, we use a B4J code module.
Both the router page and component are based on the VMComponent class we have created.
Note that with this we have indicated a history mode meaning that we can go back and forth based on the internet explorer navigation.