Android Tutorial Basic4android Documentation as Windows Compiled Helpfile


being a big fan of CHM-Files, making it faster for me to search and browse quickly through the documentation, I decided to dig out my old farhtml-converter and convert the basic documentation as chm. It doesn't include any tutorials or libraries, only the plain b4a-doc.

Hmm, now I don't know if it's ok to post it here. Erel, is this ok for you or do you want me to send it to you first?


Licensed User
Longtime User
The b4a-chm is not mean to be a replacement for the B4A-HelpViewer. It is meant as a small and fast lookup tool as complementation to the guide, the online docs and the HelpViewer.


PS: You surely start your day very early in the morning, don't you ;) ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for sharing Philipp :sign0098:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Your welcome.

I deliberately ommited the libraries btw. Don't know if they should be or anyone wants them inserted in the chm-help. :sign0163:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Excellent job :sign0188: I've been thinking of the same thing.
Please include the libs as well - if it isn't too much work keeping'em up to date.
Now we only need the editor to include a user defined F1 help to call the help-file :D


Licensed User
Longtime User
Excellent job :sign0188: I've been thinking of the same thing.
Please include the libs as well - if it isn't too much work keeping'em up to date.
Now we only need the editor to include a user defined F1 help to call the help-file :D

+1 for that :D Or some more Intellisense...

I have a database exam tomorrow and CISCO on thursday, but then I'll add it.