Basic4android v2.52 is released!

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I'm very happy to release Basic4android v2.52. This version includes many important new features and improvements. The focus in this update is on large projects.

Performance improvements

  • Compilation time in debug mode is similar to compilation in release mode.
  • Many performance and memory related improvements in the IDE. The IDE should be much more responsive (some of the improvements will only be applied after you first save the project with the new version).
New features
  • Compile to library. This feature allows you to reuse components and break large projects into smaller projects.
  • Module attributes.
  • Custom build actions - See the attributes tutorial.
  • Native support for Google maps (requires Android 3+).
  • Sign key signatures are displayed in the key dialog.
  • List Permissions button in compilation window - Lists the permissions and the objects that added them.
  • Quotes in string literals - Double quotes in string literals will be treated as a single quote:
    Log("Hello ""world""") 'Will log: Hello "World"
  • RemovePermission keyword in the manifest editor.
  • DateTime.DateTimeParse keyword - Combination of DateParse and TimeParse.
  • SQL - Asynchronous queries and asynchronous batch inserts.
  • Contacts2.GetContactsAsync - Asynchronously retrieve contacts information.
  • Accessibility library.
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements.

All customers who are eligible for a free update should receive a mail with update instructions. Other customers will receive a mail with a discount offer.

Please allow up to 24 hours for the mail to arrive.

I want to thank all the customers who helped with the beta version, and also all the members of this great community!

Edit: Basic4android v2.52 is now available to all users who received version 2.50. You can use the same link as before. This update fixes several IDE issues as well as an issue related to user types in library compilation mode.


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Great! Just a question: Will aSync queries be some sort of default? (I actually hope not).
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Erel, congratulations!
I am so lucky of being here and firmly beleive I am prevlged for receiving such superiour service that's secobd to none.
I am always ready to support b4a witg whatever I can.
keep up the good work.
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New features Compile to library Issue

Hi Erel,
If I create The Thai Calendar in Apk file,I could convert to be Library files(both jar file and Xml file) ,Is right? It look like TwoActivity,but anybody couldn't see source code about Thai Calendar. It is easy way to make library files.

Best Regards
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2.50 B4A --> my loved one who brings me to the Android user community :D

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Mac Support ?

Thanks Erel, I do most development on OsX. I have managed to run some windows-based programs on Mac via Wine emulation. But in the case of B4A that need the SDK, is there a way to compile with the MacOSx SDK or any other way ?

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I bought b4a about 7 days ago and fall in love completely. And already developed my first app for my client which is a big achievement for me. Because with pure java, I was very slow.

Anyway, wish b4a live long ;) And definitely same renewal fee in future :)
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Did I miss V2.40?

Not a small step fom 2.30 to 2.50 ..
..and a big step for the B4A community :sign0098:
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Roger Garstang

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This is a new keyword that combines date and time.
Basic4android Search: DateTime.DateTimeParse

It is true that you could have done it before by using a custom format. Now you do not need to do it.

Ok. Didn't remember reading this in original Beta announcement. The documentation doesn't give an example, so does it use the existing DateFormat and TimeFormat to determine the format of the 2 Strings passed? For me this wouldn't be an improvement unless you made a DateTimeFormat(String Date, String Time) that sets different format variables. Currently I read a DateTime string from a database on the handheld and out of MySQL, so I need to set one of the existing Format strings to be Date and Time, so if this uses those two for formatting it won't work.

Also, having this like this really just combined two function calls into one. If we already have Date and Time on their own we can use the existing functions. The problem was when we had Date and Time together in one string and needed to parse it. So, a function like DateTimeParse(String DateTime) was needed. Then just a 3rd Format String like DateTimeFormat(String DateTimeFormat). I'm not saying it is a bad addition or anything since it does eliminate having to concatenate Date and Time and extra parsing, but it still is just used for the case where you have a Date and a Time on their own and not together.
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Roger Garstang

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It is actually pretty complicated to combine DateParse and TimeParse.

If the existing DateParse did it with a Custom Format, wouldn't you already have the code from it and only need to concatenate the Date and Time Strings the new function has, concatenate the two Format strings into one and process it with the same code that DateParse uses?
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Well done as always Erel. Some nice looking features here. Will be installing very soon. :sign0188:
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