iOS Question Bridge and apps stopped working after upgrading iPhone to iOS 15.0


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Full release iOS 15.0 became available today for iPhone
After I updated it, the B4i-bridge and all my apps are coming up with (sample is for the bridge):

"B4i-Bridge" Needs to Be Upated
The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of iOS.

Is it enough to recompile the bridge to make it work?
What is required for making the b4i apps run on iOS 15.0


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Tried building bridge app again.

Compiles ok but get server stopped responding when trying to acces the link to builder1

Getting a load of errors when changing builder to preferred secondary:

Build system information
warning: Stale file '/Users/erel/Documents/UploadedProjects/<user id>/Payload/B4i' is located outside of the allowed root paths.

Build system information
warning: Stale file '/Users/erel/Documents/UploadedProjects/<user id>/Payload/B4i Bridge' is located outside of the allowed root paths.

And many more stale files.
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B4i version 7.50

Tried to recompile the bridge in case it was my certs but neither hosted builder is working.
The default builds but it won't download from the link,
Forcing the secondary just gives a load of errors when building.
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builder2 working today
but get same message as from builder1 when trying to download the bridge app with Safari:
"Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding"

Tried changing http in link to https, no change
Other websites works fine.
No difference when using ip adress instead of
Same result if trying Firefox or Opera on iPhone
Displays fine using Microsoft Edge on a pc.

Did display onSafari just after rebooting iPhone,
but no result when pressing Install App
and after pressing the refresh link it just gave the error again.

Starting to think it's a security issue with iOs 15.0
Either a new security feature or some setting that got reset when I installed it.
Maybe something connected to installing apps from other sources than the App Store.
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Can you upload it as an attachment?
Both hosted builders are working now.
But when I try the download link on the iPhone's browser I Just gets a blank page where the status bar has moved about 20%
and after a while a message that says:
"Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding"


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Since the bridge app won't download to my iPhone 11 with iOs 15.0 and I'm just building this bridge app for my own device I thought I'd try with target of 15
got the following error on builder1:

warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 15.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99.

Running out of things to try. Have even created a new signing keystore and all new certificates and profiles just in case the keysignrequest had to be created with the latest version of b4i - no change
I'm using jdk1.8.0_231 for b4i - is that still correct.

The only thing I've found on the web is that apps could get the ios 15.0 "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of iOS" error message if they are not 64bit, but I have had the settings for the build server set to 64 for a long time now.
And that one can get the error message when opening apps made with XCode earlier than version 12.5.1
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B4X founder
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Since the bridge app won't download to my iPhone 11 with iOs 15.0 and I'm just building this bridge app for my own device I thought I'd try with target of 15
got the following error on builder1:

warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 15.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99.

Running out of things to try. Have even created a new signing keystore and all new certificates and profiles just in case the keysignrequest had to be created with the latest version of b4i - no change
I'm using jdk1.8.0_231 for b4i - is that still correct.

The only thing I've found on the web is that apps could get the ios 15.0 "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of iOS" error message if they are not 64bit, but I have had the settings for the build server set to 64 for a long time now.
And that one can get the error message when opening apps made with XCode earlier than version 12.5.1
This is not relevant.

It looks like a network problem. The issue isn't related to iOS 15.
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