Bug? bug or my mistake?

Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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sorry for my bad english;
when you call over one time prog1 or prog2 ALL textfield are disable; only components as Button or button of datepicker are enabled
bug or my mistake?


  • bug_or_my mistake.zip
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sorry for my bad english;
when you call over one time prog1 or prog2 ALL textfield are disable; only components as Button or button of datepicker are enabled
bug or my mistake?
I have tried your code, all the Views of the visible panel, TextView and Buttons are active. What did you want to achieve?

I associate myself with what @Erel writes, it seems to me a little twisted as a code. What I have seen can be achieved in a few steps and much less complicated, by creating a custom view.

Gianni M

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chiedo scusa se non scrivo in inglese
per Star-Dust & LucaMs
1) avvia il progetto
2) sul form menu c'è una casella di testo ed è attiva (prova a scrivere qualcosa al suo interno)
3) clicca sul pulsante "call prog1", e quindi si "avvia" il form uno, quello con le due text con orario e il datapicker (le text sono attive)
4) non fare nulla.... clicca sul pulsante exit
5) il programma ritorna al menu principale.... ora prova a utilizzare la casella di testo (non è attiva)
6) clicca di nuovo sul pulsamte "call prog1" , le caselle nel form uno non sono attive

invece sono attivi i pulsanti, anche quello del datapicker! bug o cosa?

cosa voglio ottenere? lo spiego nel forum italiano
a presto;

versione B4J 8.10
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Gianni M

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I don't understand your code. There is an example of creating multiple forms here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/getting-started-examples.57537/#content
you're right!
ThreePages is clean and simple; I understand;

my objective is:
create a BIG app with many layout
each layout is handle by (class? or module?)
the Class/Module_A can "call" Class/Module_B or Class/Module_C or Class/Module_K
Class/Module_B can "call" Class/Module_C or Class/Module_Z

when close Class/Module_C, i want pass/return to his "Class/Module caller"
I have confused ideas with Class and Module


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Create a public map in Main containing all your "forms" (classes) so you can show any of them at any time.

Public mapSchede("Scheda1", Scheda1) ' <--- Scheda1 is the name "I set" for one of my classes.