i will use the camera 2 but it gave me an error.
my device have 5.0.2 API 21 19. Dezember 2014
and it should work and i believe i tested it long ago and it worked.
at my tablet device with android 6.0 it works.
at os 5 the example said: Failed to open camera
the used example:
i will use the camera 2 but it gave me an error.
my device have 5.0.2 API 21 19. Dezember 2014
and it should work and i believe i tested it long ago and it worked.
at my tablet device with android 6.0 it works.
at os 5 the example said: Failed to open camera
Sub OpenCamera (front As Boolean)
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result = False Then
ToastMessageShow("No permission!", True)
End If
SetState(False, False, VideoMode)
Wait For (cam.OpenCamera(front)) Complete (TaskIndex As Int)
If TaskIndex > 0 Then
MyTaskIndex = TaskIndex 'hold this index. It will be required in later calls.
Wait For(PrepareSurface) Complete (Success As Boolean)
End If
Log("Start success: " & Success)
SetState(Success, False, VideoMode)
If Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Failed to open camera", True)
End If
End Sub
the used example:
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