Bug? Can't add a code module


New Member
Hello. New B4A developer here.

Using: B4A Version 12.80 (64-bit) on Windows 10

I'm trying to add a code module to an existing project using the menu - Project -> Add New Module -> Code Module. The UI freezes and responds with an error sound when I try to click on the main window. It's behaving as if a modal dialog is being displayed - which I would expect. But there is no dialog window shown.

The same behavior is observed for other file types.

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing B4A.

Any ideas?

Thanks so much in advance.


New Member
Quick follow-up / solution. I tried another uninstall of B4A and ADDITIONALLY cleaned up left-over references in the Registry and the C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software folder. Then I re-installed again and it's working as expected.

Hope this helps others if they encounter this behavior.

All the best,
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