Android Question Check Subscription Status In App Billing V3


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In App Billing V3. How do I check the status of a subscription previously purchased every time I start an application ?


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You should call manager.GetOwnedProducts and handle the OwnedProducts event.

Erel I did this on a device with another account in playstore . Always returns Success = true but purchases size index = 0. No items . I need to know which item , date, etc.
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I got. The problem was that the test device had two accounts. I deleted one and only let the test account that worked. Purchases Size = 1 and also got the key related to the product name.

I'm trying to figure out the purchase of a subscription to validate the use of certain application functions.

In subscription the state is returning 0. But I made a refund of the amount and canceled. Should not return another value?

Returned logs:

manager_OwnedProducts Success = true
purchases size = 1
Purchase(type:subs): myapp_assinatura, state = 0

The reason would be this:

See my code:

Sub Process_Globals
  Dim manager As BillingManager3
  Private key As String = "MIIBIjAN..."
End Sub

Sub Globals

    Private Button1 As Button
    Private Button2 As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
  If FirstTime Then
      manager.Initialize("manager", key)
      manager.DebugLogging = False
  End If
End Sub

Sub Manager_BillingSupported (Supported As Boolean, Message As String)
  Log(Supported & ", " & Message)
  Log("Subscriptions supported: " & manager.SubscriptionsSupported)
  If Supported Then
          'manager.GetOwnedProducts 'requisita os produtos comprados e dispara o evento com o mesmo nome
  End If
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
    manager.RequestPayment("myapp_assinatura", "subs", "MyApp assinatura_ok")
    'manager.RequestPayment("android.test.purchased", "inapp", "Infranote_assinatura_ok")
End Sub
Sub Activity_Click
   '1manager.RequestPayment("android.test.purchased", "subs", "extra data")
   'Manager.RequestPayment(Activity, "android.test.purchased", "extra data")
End Sub

Public Sub manager_ProductConsumed (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)
        Log("===== LOG DO APLICATIVO ==================================================")
        Log("Product.DeveloperPayload = " & Product.DeveloperPayload)
        Log("Product.ItemType = " & Product.ItemType)
        Log("Product.ProductId = " & Product.ProductId)
        Log("Product.PurchaseState = " & Product.PurchaseState)
        Log("Product.PurchaseTime = " & Product.PurchaseTime)
        Log("Product.toString = " & Product.toString)
End Sub
Public Sub manager_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)

    If Success = True Then
        'Select Product.Productid
            'Case "TestXX"
                'qui inserisco cosa fare nel caso la transazione si andata a buon fine
                ' Faccio andare nella routine esempio sub lancia dove elimino la pubblicità
        Log("===== LOG DO APLICATIVO ==================================================")
        Log("Product.DeveloperPayload = " & Product.DeveloperPayload)
        Log("Product.ItemType = " & Product.ItemType)
        Log("Product.ProductId = " & Product.ProductId)
        Log("Product.PurchaseState = " & Product.PurchaseState)
        Log("Product.PurchaseTime = " & Product.PurchaseTime)
        Log("Product.toString = " & Product.toString)
        Dim r As Reflector
        r.Target = Product
        Dim token As String = r.GetField("mToken")
        Log("Product.Token = " & token)
                ToastMessageShow("PLAY STORE OK Buy ;);)))))!!", False)
        'End Select

        ToastMessageShow("PLAY STORE Error Buy", False)
        'Log("===== LOG DO APLICATIVO ==================================================")
        'Log("Product.DeveloperPayload = " & Product.DeveloperPayload)
        'Log("Product.ItemType = " & Product.ItemType)
        'Log("Product.ProductId = " & Product.ProductId)
        'Log("Product.PurchaseState = " & Product.PurchaseState)
        'Log("Product.PurchaseTime = " & Product.PurchaseTime)
        'Log("Product.toString = " & Product.toString)
    End If
End Sub

Sub manager_OwnedProducts (Success As Boolean, purchases As Map)
    Log("manager_OwnedProducts Success = " & Success)
    Log("purchases size = " & purchases.Size)
If Success  Then
    For i=0 To purchases.Size-1  
          Log(purchases.GetKeyAt(i)) 'Get name of Product
        Log(purchases.GetValueAt(i)) 'Get State of signature
End If
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    manager.GetOwnedProducts 'requisita os produtos comprados e dispara o evento com o mesmo nome
End Sub
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