Android Question cMediaData

Robert Valentino

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I was using MediaBrowser to extract all the information I wanted from a MP3 file, but found it very slow when requesting the information using GetAudioFileInfo passing a filepath / filename. I believe it is quicker using a Meida ID, but I found that for some reason most times after rebooting my Samsung S3 that the Media IDs change so storing them and using them to index became very unreliable for my Music player so I started saving the FilePath / FileName.

To speed things up I wrote a class called cMediaData (see below) that will extract all the information

Dim MediaData as cMediaData

MediaData.ProcessMediaFile(Selection.FilePath, Selection.FileName)
sEntryInfo_Album.Text     = MediaData.GetAlbumName
sEntryInfo_Title.Text     = MediaData.GetTitle
sEntryInfo_Artist.Text    = MediaData.GetArtist
sEntryInfo_Track.Text     = MediaData.GetCDTrackNumber
sEntryInfo_Year.Text      = MediaData.GetYear
sEntryInfo_Duration.Text  = cGenFuncs.ConvertToTimeFormat(MediaData.GetDuration)	
sEntryInfo_FileName.Text  = Selection.FileName
sEntryInfo_FilePath.Text  = Selection.FilePath

Anyhow my cMediaData seems to be a lot quicker then using MediaBrowser for extracting the information

The code is below for anyone that is interested in giving it a try.



cMediaData code
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_ALBUM            As Int     =  1       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information about the album title of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST      As Int     = 13       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information about the performers or artist associated with the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_ARTIST           As Int     =  2       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information about the artist of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_AUTHOR           As Int     =  3       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information about the author of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_BITRATE          As Int     = 20       ' This key retrieves the average bitrate (in bits/sec), if available.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER  As Int     =  0       ' The metadata key to retrieve the numeric string describing the order of the audio data source on its original recording.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_COMPILATION      As Int     = 15       ' The metadata key to retrieve the music album compilation status.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER         As Int     =  4       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information about the composer of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_DATE             As Int     =  5       ' The metadata key to retrieve the date when the data source was created or modified.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_DISC_NUMBER      As Int     = 14       ' The metadata key to retrieve the numberic string that describes which part of a set the audio data source comes from.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_DURATION         As Int     =  9       ' The metadata key to retrieve the playback duration of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_GENRE            As Int     =  6       ' The metadata key to retrieve the content type or genre of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_HAS_AUDIO        As Int     = 16       ' If this key exists the media contains audio content.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_HAS_VIDEO        As Int     = 17       ' If this key exists the media contains video content.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_LOCATION         As Int     = 23       ' This key retrieves the location information, if available.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE         As Int     = 12       ' The metadata key to retrieve the mime type of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_NUM_TRACKS       As Int     = 10       ' The metadata key to retrieve the number of tracks, such as audio, video, text, in the data source, such as a mp4 or 3gpp file.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_TITLE            As Int     =  7       ' The metadata key to retrieve the data source title.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT     As Int     = 19       ' If the media contains video, this key retrieves its height.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION   As Int     = 24       ' This key retrieves the video rotation angle in degrees, if available.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH      As Int     = 18       ' If the media contains video, this key retrieves its width.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_WRITER           As Int     = 11       ' The metadata key to retrieve the information of the writer (such as lyricist) of the data source.
    Private Const METADATA_KEY_YEAR             As Int     =  8       ' The metadata key to retrieve the year when the data source was created or modified.

    Private Const SetNotCalledError             As String  = "ProcessMediaFile has not been called"

    Private       FD_Path                       As String
    Private       FD_File                       As String

    Private       FD_Combined                   As String

    Private       ReflectorIsValid              As Boolean
    Private       ReflectedFile                 As Reflector
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize

    FD_Path          = ""
    FD_File          = ""
    FD_Combined      = ""

    ReflectorIsValid = False
End Sub

Public Sub ProcessMediaFile(FilePath As String, FileName As String) As Boolean

    If File.Exists(FilePath, FileName) = False Then Return False

    FD_Path     = FilePath
    FD_File     = FileName
    FD_Combined = File.Combine(FD_Path, FD_File)

        Dim Obj As Object = ReflectedFile.CreateObject("")

        ReflectedFile.Target = Obj

            ReflectedFile.RunMethod2("setDataSource", FD_Combined, "java.lang.String")
            ReflectorIsValid = True
            Msgbox("File cannot be read. Is it a valid Media File?", "Error")
            Return False
        End Try
        Msgbox("Unknown Error on Meddia File?", "Error")
        Return False	
	End Try
End Sub

Public  Sub GetAlbumName           As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetAlbumName"    , METADATA_KEY_ALBUM          )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetAlbumArtist         As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetAlbumArtist"  , METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST    )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetArtist              As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetArtist"       , METADATA_KEY_ARTIST         )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetAuthor              As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetAuthor"       , METADATA_KEY_AUTHOR         )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetBitRate             As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetBitRate"      , METADATA_KEY_BITRATE        )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetCDTrackNumber       As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetCDTrackNumber", METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER)  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetCompliation         As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetCompliation"  , METADATA_KEY_COMPILATION    )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetComposer            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetComposer"     , METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER       )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetDate                As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetDate"         , METADATA_KEY_DATE           )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetDiscNumber          As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetDiscNumber"   , METADATA_KEY_DISC_NUMBER    )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetDuration            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetDuration"     , METADATA_KEY_DURATION       )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetGenre               As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetGenre"        , METADATA_KEY_GENRE          )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetHasAudio            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetHasAudio"     , METADATA_KEY_HAS_AUDIO      )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetHasVideo            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetHasVideo"     , METADATA_KEY_HAS_VIDEO      )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetLocation            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetLocation"     , METADATA_KEY_LOCATION       )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetMimeType            As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetMimeType"     , METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE       )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetNumberTracks        As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetNumberTracks" , METADATA_KEY_NUM_TRACKS     )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetTitle               As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetTitle"        , METADATA_KEY_TITLE          )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetVideoHeight         As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetVideoHeight"  , METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT   )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetVideoRotation       As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetVideoRotation", METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetVideoWidth          As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetVideoWidth"   , METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH    )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetWriter              As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetWriter"       , METADATA_KEY_WRITER         )  :  End Sub
Public  Sub GetYear                As String  :  Return GetMetaData("GetYear"         , METADATA_KEY_YEAR           )  :  End Sub

Private Sub GetMetaData(FunctionCalled As String, FieldNumber As Int) As String

        If ReflectorIsValid = False Then Return SetNotCalledError

           Dim ReturnData As String = ReflectedFile.RunMethod2("extractMetadata", FieldNumber, "")
		   '  If Data is NOT present the word null is returned - we do not want to see this
		   If ReturnData = "null"  Then Return ""
		   Return ReturnData
           Return "Error on "&FunctionCalled
        End Try
End Sub

Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I update cMediaData.bas to also return a BitmapDrawable on a call to GetEmbeddedPicture if there is a picture otherwise Null is returned (New Function: GetEmbeddedPicture)

I verified that if a MP3 files has an Embedded Picture that this code works and the bitmap returned can be displayed



PS: How do I move this to Code Snippets


  • cMediaData.bas
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Robert Valentino

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I understand that I could do that. I was hoping someone had the ability to just move this complete thread to Code-Snippets
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