Had a look at Erel's posting Code smells:
and looked at GetKeyAt and GetValue at of Map.
I take it that if we are only interested in the key or value at one particular index we have to do something like this (although it looks inefficient):
[B4X] "Code Smells" - common mistakes and other tips
"Code smells" are common patterns that can indicate that there is a problem in the code. A problem doesn't mean that the code doesn't work, it might be that it will be difficult to maintain it or that there are more elegant ways to implement the same thing. Remember that not everything is clear...

I take it that if we are only interested in the key or value at one particular index we have to do something like this (although it looks inefficient):
Sub GetMapKeyAt(oMap As Map, iIndex As Int) As Object
Dim i As Int
For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys
If i = iIndex Then
Return oKey
End If
i = i + 1
Return Null
End Sub
Sub GetMapValueAt(oMap As Map, iIndex As Int) As Object
Dim i As Int
For Each oValue As Object In oMap.Values
If i = iIndex Then
Return oValue
End If
i = i + 1
Return Null
End Sub