If the discussion is healthy and objective, then I think people can take the fact that they come from different corners of the world, to their advantage.. there is a real problem facing humanity on this planet today and hiding our head in the sand wouldn't do good.
Put the mind in front and the self behind and the discussion will be fruitful.
What we are witnessing is a true clash of civilizations.. some 30 or 40 years ago, nations were safe and living relatively high level of peace.. in 1980 I walked with my guest
who was leaving the country, to the gate of international departure (the bridge to the plane) at JFK Airport. I had a Yashica camera and the security guard just looked through the lens and gave it back to me. Today you can't even reach the check-in hall without a valid ticket.
The reason is that communications and transportation facilities were very limited and nations (with their cultures) were in isolated islands. Now this Berlin Wall has fallen and people are able to move around so easily.. but moving only with their bodies and leaving their minds and hearts back home.. Now the clash starts and the guy on the video above who said that they will not integrate into the society and will preserve their identity, perfectly represent this problem. If a trans-planted organ couldn't integrate with the host body then the host body will reject it.. this law applies to individuals as well.. If you can't integrate then go back home.. simply like that.
This being said, I think all major three religions are the similar, may be Christianity is a little different.. Islam is basically built on Judaism, stoning for adultery, eye for eye and tooth for tooth, position of women (with varied degree).. may the difference is that Judaism don't kill to make people Jews because you can't be a Jew unless you are born into it. Spreading Islam by force is well documented, both in the Quran and in practice, some Muslims say Jihad was used for defense but I can hardly understand someone conquers Spain (in another continent) to defend himself. But if one reads texts from other religions then he will find similar commands to deal with peoples not in their religion.. except Christianity. The Jews were the first to abrogate (practically) any reference to violence against others. Muslims yet to follow.. in the Christians case who committed atrocities against other nations, they did that in clear defiance of Jesus teachings, when Muslims did the same in accordance with their teachings.
There are Muslim schools of thought today promoting the renewal of Islam to make all laws in accordance with today's universal standards of human rights and individual freedoms, by abrogating some of the Sharia Islamic laws and invoking Quranic text that promote equality and justice to all mankind. this means reviewing school textbooks
and missionary strategies.
Not edited - pardon typos
i agree with what you wrote but not all match with the true..
first judaism and islam is different in much ways... (btw chrstianity is also based on the judaism, the bible (first testament) is the torah)
the different is that the judaism is not what you read in the torah (bible), jews get the written torah with the unwritten torah that explain the written torah
and both religion islam and christian that is based on the torah (bible) are only based on the written bible
for example "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" in the jewdaism it does not mean that if someone take your eye you have the right to take his, the explaination of this sentense mean that he must pay you for the damage he did to you.. but because the other religion just understand what its written they took it to the opposite side..
(רש"י: עין תחת עין - סימא עין חברו נותן לו דמי עינו = Rashi: an eye for an eye - eye blinded his friend gives him eye fees...)
and there are many more misunderstanding of the torah...
like stoning, its correct that its written that if a JEW (only jew) is not holding shabbat he must be stoned (written torah) but in reallity its almost impossible to perform this punishment, there are to much conditions that need to be before that guy may be stoned (and this is only explained in the unwritten torah)
both religion (islam and cristianity) admit that the torah was given to the jewish people and than they say that because jews didnot hold the torah god punished them and choose an other nation (jesus and muhamed)
and they build there religion on the written torah and understood it very wrong, the christian killed lot of jews, black people, homosexuall, etc... (and in very painfull ways... )
second thing that was wrong what you wrote, "..because you can't be a Jew unless you are born into it.."
this is not true everybody can become a jew , but to become a jew its not enough to say one sentense 3 time.. its more complex and take long time (to proove that you really want and also will hold all mitzwot in the torah)
jewdaism also dont say that if you are not a jew you will burn in hell, this is not true, every person can get to paradise the difference is because jews accepted the torah they have 613 mitzwot but not jews have only 7 thats the different...
and again no one will force a non jew to do anything it's only for his knowledge...