Android Question Configure paths??


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Trying to resolve another issue (the "maven artifacts not found", which I saw that some other guys here met, but solutions given in their cases didn't work for me) I decided to completely reinstall Android SDK.
So, using Android SDK Manager, I marked all files indicated there and deleted the existing installation. Then I downloaded again all files that it indicated. I only used SDK manager for these operations.
The difference with my previous installation is that, while SDK manager proposes to install in \Program Files\Android, I decided to install everything in c:\Android, (because I saw somewhere in the forum that Erel suggested to someone to do so;perhaps the suggestion was not related to my issue, anyway). Usually I follow defaults when installing, so much probably the previous installation was inside \Program files. Now, as I said, it is in c:\Android. Now, during compilation I get a mysterious "Not found:" nothing, suggesting to use Configure paths..
I managed the Configure Paths as indicated in attached picture.
Anybody knows what happening?
Thanks in advance.


  • boh.png
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Do you get the message also when you create a new project?

Another suggestion which is not linked to your problem.
In the Additional libraries field you should NOT enter the standard libraries folder but you should create a specific folder somewhere else where you copy the additional libraries.
With your configuration, when you update B4A with a new version in the same folder all the additional libraries will be lost.
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By the way I am reinstalling Android SDK on default folder. At least before previous programs worked. Thanks for your replies.
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After reinstalling, I wish to advise other guys that may have my same idea: don't install Android SDK to c:\Android. Just advice. Now I reinstalled in c:\Program Files (x86)\Android and old stuff work (my machine is x64, that's why I have x86 folder). I still have the previous problem, on trying Firebase tutorial:

B4A version: 6.31
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.83s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Organizing libraries. Error
Maven artifact not found:

Of course I reinstalled google stuff mentioned in other posts on this topic. In my experience, till now, either Firebase or GoogleMaps totorials show same problem.
Thanks for attention.
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I answer to my last post. evidently last reinstallation did something and FireBase tutorial now compiles. The "Maven artifact not found" disappeared.
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