iOS Question Crash Report


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Hi Guys

I have just sent my App to the App Store (its an update dated version - and I have had no problems with the previous versions) - Basically Apple claim it crashes on startup.

It runs OK in debug and in release mode on my iPhone. The have send a crash file - which frankly means nothing to me (The first part of the file is below) - I can provide the complete file if required (its a ***.txt file).

Can someone help


Crash file
{"app_name":"SuperOrder","timestamp":"2019-10-22 17:17:09.17 -0700","app_version":"1.0.10","slice_uuid":"d445924f-33ab-3a92-90e9-a9279e09cc4f","adam_id":1454682675,"build_version":"1.0.10","bundleID":"com.hangar51.superorder","share_with_app_devs":false,"is_first_party":false,"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.1.3 (17A878)","incident_id":"0B534274-CDE7-4416-A173-E9710DD08346","name":"SuperOrder"}
Incident Identifier: 0B534274-CDE7-4416-A173-E9710DD08346
CrashReporter Key: 9f945a0f2949d95c9d53de1177581d3d6eb1971d
Hardware Model: xxx
Process: SuperOrder [79271]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FE4B3B55-69D7-4EED-8E14-37448A62DCE2/
Identifier: com.hangar51.superorder
Version: 1.0.10 (1.0.10)
AppStoreTools: 11A1002b
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.hangar51.superorder [3061]

Date/Time: 2019-10-22 17:17:08.8389 -0700
Launch Time: 2019-10-22 17:16:54.6295 -0700
OS Version: iPhone OS 13.1.3 (17A878)
Release Type: User
Baseband Version: n/a
Report Version: 104

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread: 0

Application Specific Information:
abort() called

Last Exception Backtrace:
(0x187b3a98c 0x1878630a4 0x187a30054 0x100927dac 0x100923f18 0x10086af74 0x100895780 0x100895914 0x187b40d90 0x187a10bd0 0x10092e5b0 0x10092db48 0x10094a6a4 0x187808184 0x1877b0a9c 0x1877c1010 0x1877ba0b4 0x187ab83c4 0x187ab33b8 0x187ab28bc 0x19191e328 0x18bb486d4 0x1007da56c 0x18793d460)

Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000187932ebc 0x18790e000 + 151228
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018784e790 0x18784c000 + 10128
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001877a2824 0x18772f000 + 473124
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001878fb7d4 0x1878fa000 + 6100
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001878fb9c4 0x1878fa000 + 6596
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000187863358 0x18785d000 + 25432
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x0000000187908304 0x1878fa000 + 58116
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x000000018790829c 0x1878fa000 + 58012
8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000187808198 0x1877ac000 + 377240
9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001877b0a9c 0x1877ac000 + 19100
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001877c1010 0x1877ac000 + 86032
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001877ba0b4 0x1877ac000 + 57524
12 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab83c4 0x187a0f000 + 693188
13 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab33b8 0x187a0f000 + 672696
14 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab28bc 0x187a0f000 + 669884
15 GraphicsServices 0x000000019191e328 0x19191b000 + 13096
16 UIKitCore 0x000000018bb486d4 0x18b158000 + 10421972
17 SuperOrder 0x00000001007da56c 0x1007d4000 + 25964
18 libdyld.dylib 0x000000018793d460 0x18793c000 + 5216

Thread 1:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 2:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 3:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 4:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 5 name:
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001879115f4 0x18790e000 + 13812
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000187910a60 0x18790e000 + 10848
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab8068 0x187a0f000 + 692328
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab3188 0x187a0f000 + 672136
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab28bc 0x187a0f000 + 669884
5 Foundation 0x0000000187df2994 0x187deb000 + 31124
6 Foundation 0x0000000187df2874 0x187deb000 + 30836
7 UIKitCore 0x000000018bbe049c 0x18b158000 + 11043996
8 Foundation 0x0000000187f230b0 0x187deb000 + 1278128
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001878571ec 0x18784c000 + 45548
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aaec 0x18784c000 + 60140

Thread 6:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 7:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 8:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aad8 0x18784c000 + 60120

Thread 9 name:
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001879115f4 0x18790e000 + 13812
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000187910a60 0x18790e000 + 10848
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab8068 0x187a0f000 + 692328
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab3188 0x187a0f000 + 672136
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ab28bc 0x187a0f000 + 669884
5 CFNetwork 0x000000018ad2de68 0x18ad2c000 + 7784
6 Foundation 0x0000000187f230b0 0x187deb000 + 1278128
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001878571ec 0x18784c000 + 45548
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018785aaec 0x18784c000 + 60140

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000000 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x0000000000000000
x4: 0x000000018790b5d8 x5: 0x000000016f62a510 x6: 0x000000000000006e x7: 0xffffffffffffffec
x8: 0x00000001011f1800 x9: 0x0000000187852b5c x10: 0x000000018784e720 x11: 0x000000000000000b
x12: 0x00000001bd38b080 x13: 0x0000000000000000 x14: 0x0000000000000010 x15: 0x00000000ffffff80
x16: 0x0000000000000148 x17: 0x0000000000000000 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x0000000000000006
x20: 0x0000000000000407 x21: 0x000000016f62a510 x22: 0x00000001011f18e0 x23: 0x00000001011f18e0
x24: 0x0000000000000000 x25: 0x0000000000000110 x26: 0x0000000000000002 x27: 0x00000001011f18e0
x28: 0x000000028341ad38 fp: 0x000000016f62a470 lr: 0x000000018784e790
sp: 0x000000016f62a450 pc: 0x0000000187932ebc cpsr: 0x40000000
esr: 0x56000080 Address size fault


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Longtime User

Please hold fire on this - I have been able to make the App crash - I tested all the standard stuff (like no WIFI or Internet but forgot to test for a virgin load with no files setup - and that was the problem).

Basically, my fault I did not test very startup path - might help someone with similar problems.

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