Hello, i am noticing an extremely slow response while executing the following pseudocode.
Every search can pontentially hold more than 1000 results, if i load 1000 rows at begin the app become irresponsive so for that at begin when i start the activity, i execute the query to populate the customlistview with a limit set to 20.
After scrolling down and reaching the bottom i load more 20 rows by increasing the query limit.
It works, but is damn slow.
When the listview position reach the bottom i execute this sub
This sub is inside customlistview class:
Every search can pontentially hold more than 1000 results, if i load 1000 rows at begin the app become irresponsive so for that at begin when i start the activity, i execute the query to populate the customlistview with a limit set to 20.
After scrolling down and reaching the bottom i load more 20 rows by increasing the query limit.
It works, but is damn slow.
Sub Globals
Private queryLimit As Int = 10
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
lst_customlistview.Initialize(Me, "lst_customlistview")
Activity.AddView(lst_customlistview.AsView, 0, 60dip , 100%x, 100%y -60dip)
fetchDB(queryLimit, False)
End Sub
Sub fetchDB(query_Limit As Int, loadMore As Boolean)
Dim quote_text As String
If loadMore = False Then
cursor2 = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT ID, fruit, icecream, snacks, starred FROM tablename WHERE fruit LIKE '%" & Main.keywords &"%' OR icecream LIKE '%" & Main.keywords &"%' ORDER BY ID DESC limit "&queryLimit&";")
ProgressDialogShow2("Loading more results please wait....", False)
cursor2 = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT ID,fruit, icecream, snacks, starred FROM tablename WHERE fruit LIKE '%" & Main.keywords &"%' OR icecream LIKE '%" & Main.keywords &"%' AND id > "&queryLimit&" ORDER BY ID DESC limit "&queryLimit&";")
End If
For i = 0 To cursor2.RowCount - 1
cursor2.Position = i
quote_text = cursor2.GetString("fruit")
If quote_text.Length < PreviewMaxLenght Then
quote_text = quote_text.SubString2(0,quote_text.Length)&"....continue reading"
Else If quote_text.Length > PreviewMaxLenght Then
quote_text = quote_text.SubString2(0,PreviewMaxLenght)&"....continue reading"
End If
Header.Initialize("{White}{B}data: "&cursor2.GetString("snacks")&" - "&cursor2.GetString("starred")&"{B}{White}")
Header.Style2(Header.STYLE_BOLD, "{B}" )
Entry.Initialize("{Grey}data:"&cursor2.GetString("fruit") &" / data:"&cursor2.GetString("fruit")&"'' / data:"&cursor2.GetString("icecream")&CRLF&"Date:"&cursor2.GetString("snack")&"{Grey}")
Entry.Style2(Entry.STYLE_BOLD, "{B}" )
Dim p As Panel
p.Color = Colors.ARGB(255,0,0,0)
lst_customlistview.Add(p,75dip, 10)
Label1.Color = Colors.RGB(0,0,0)
Label2.Color = Colors.RGB(0,0,0)
Label1.Text = Header
Label2.Text = Entry
Label1.Typeface = Typeface.LoadFromAssets("font_1.otf")
Label2.Typeface = Typeface.LoadFromAssets("font_2.otf")
if loadmore = True Then
End if
End sub
When the listview position reach the bottom i execute this sub
Sub lst_customlistview_AddItems
queryLimit = queryLimit + queryLimit
fetchDB(queryLimit, True)
End Sub
This sub is inside customlistview class:
Private Sub SV_ScrollChanged(Position As Int)
If Position + sv.Height >= sv.Panel.Height Then
If DateTime.Now > lastAddItemsTime + 200 Then
lastAddItemsTime = DateTime.Now
CallSub(CallBack, EventName & "_AddItems")
End If
End If
End Sub
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