Hi all, i am currently using the CustomListview.bas module version 1.66 and i can't figure out why i am seeing a bigger space between the first item and the second item in the ListView and then the space between between the items after the second item look the same, attached is my code and also an image of the issue i am seeing, can anyone tell me why that is?
And here is the image of the issue so you can get a better idea of what it is i'am talking about.
As you can see the space between the First Item and the Second Item is more than the spacing between the second and third items.
I'm sure is something fairly easy but i just can't point my finger on it, any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks All,
Sub BuildItems(params As List)
If imagelist.Size = 0 Then Return
Dim m As Map
Dim i As Int = 0
For Each link As String In imagelist
''Dim su As StringUtils
Dim p As Panel
''Dim pp As Panel
Dim split() As String
If params.get(i) <> "" Then
split = Regex.Split("~", params.Get(i))
clv.add(p, link & "~" & split(0) & "~" & split(1))
pnlmain.Color = Colors.RGB(174, 209, 234)
lbltitle.Text = split(0)
lbldescription.Text = split(1)
SetEllipsize(lbldescription, "END")
clv.DefaultTextBackgroundColor = Colors.RGB(174, 209, 234)
m.Put(imgcoach, link)
clv.ResizeItem(i, 130dip)
i = i + 1
End If
i = 0
CallSubDelayed2(ImageDownloader, "Download", m)
End Sub
And here is the image of the issue so you can get a better idea of what it is i'am talking about.
As you can see the space between the First Item and the Second Item is more than the spacing between the second and third items.
I'm sure is something fairly easy but i just can't point my finger on it, any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks All,