Android Question CustomListView "standard"

Roberto P.

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can you confirm that the CustomListView class is in the Standard library? Can I disableit to use my customized version of the CustomListView class?

I wish you a fantastic 2020

Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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You can make a simple test: create a new project and try to add a CustomListView to a new layout; you cannot, so it is not part of the Core library.
I didn't want to try!
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Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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CustomListView type is in xCustomListView internal library.

ok, there is a mode for exclude xCustomListView or force to use CustomListView customized?
thank you
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Licensed User
Longtime User
ok, there is a mode for exclude xCustomListView or force to use CustomListView customized?
thank you
Removing the library (and the xml file) from the Internal libraries folder.


(save them elsewhere, of course)

or use a different name (better) for your "custom CustomListView" class.
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B4X founder
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ok, there is a mode for exclude xCustomListView or force to use CustomListView customized?
Not sure that I understand the question. If you don't want to use xCLV then don't add a reference to xCustomListView library.
It is a mistake to use the source code as it will break other libraries and it is not needed.
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