Seeing the snapshot in your above post it looks like you are not using B4XDateTemplate of XUI Views. See the link below for a full example by Erel of most of XUI Views and among them the B4XDateTemplate button 'Select Date'. You will see how it works. You can extract the code relevant to the B4XDateTemplate and use it in your project if you like. You can add the code I put in post# 2 to change colors or use the link Erel gave you in post #3 for a light theme which has easy to the eye light colors.
XUI Views is a b4x library ( The same b4xlib library is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J It is a collection of custom views and dialogs. Everything is written in B4X. The source code is included inside the b4xlib file, which is a zip...
Thanks for the advice.
What I don't understand is that it is necessary to write a lot of code to customize a "simple" datedialog, and if there are several datedialog then the code multiplies.
Isn't there some class or library that can be used for all datedialogs, without having to write so much code for each one?
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