Android Question designer problem


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Longtime User

I had a program that I have done and change.

It was created by placing screens controls with the designer.

The problem is I have to change the screen controls, change their position and size, and add some new change in the designer, but then do not appear when I run this design change. That is, the controls appear to me in the original position, as if they had not changed.

If I change the Text property if it appears correctly when I run

See if someone can help me
Sorry for my English


Licensed User
Longtime User

I had a program that I have done and change.

It was created by placing screens controls with the designer.

The problem is I have to change the screen controls, change their position and size, and add some new change in the designer, but then do not appear when I run this design change. That is, the controls appear to me in the original position, as if they had not changed.

If I change the Text property if it appears correctly when I run

See if someone can help me
Sorry for my English

Maremma hane, e scrivi in italiano nel forum italiano, allora! :)

Adesso devo cercare di capire che intendi dire... controls intendi Views, immagino... beh, nn ho capito bene... riprova sul forum italiano... se intendi solo aggiungere views da codice e poi adattare le dimensioni e posizioni... ci sto litigando anch'io (non esattamente ma nn la faccio lunga)... c'è un ottimo modulo di Klaus qui
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You need to give more information on what you have done and how.
- Did you save the layout file before running the program ?
- Do you compile in Debug (rapid) mode, then you must click on the button to restart the program.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You need to give more information on what you have done and how.
- Did you save the layout file before running the program ?
- Do you compile in Debug (rapid) mode, then you must click on the button to restart the program.

I update the file layout before running the program, but then the views do not appear positioned where I put with the designer.
I had never happened before since using basic4android
I use versión 1.60
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I update the file layout before running the program, but then the views do not appear positioned where I put with the designer.
I had never happened before since using basic4android
I use versión 1.60

Non si capisce benissimo. Vediamo se ci sono riuscito.

Avevi già un programma in cui il layout lo avevi costruito tramite il designer.
Ora hai aperto lo stesso layout, spostato e modificato qualche view, aggiunto qualche view, ma quando lanci il programma non appaiono? E invece appaiono i testi che hai modificato?

Questa cosa dei testi, non l'ho capita: i testi sui "controlli"? su quelli vecchi?

Comunque, probabilmente hai costruito il layout con 320x480 e magari usi un variant diverso, adesso, o viceversa.

Prova a spiegare in italiano o metti qualche screenshot.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I put views (textbox, labels ...) correctly on a panel using the designer.
After, the run, the controls (textbox, labels ...) are located as when in insert designer with the option "AddView"
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