I've been using the new billing https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/googleplaybilling-in-app-purchases.109945/#content since Oct 2019
And all of a sudden on some users I am not getting anything back from DeveloperPayload (which I set)
Scanning for the web I found this: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/developer-payload
As I read this Developer Payload is no longer supported?
Why is it working for some of my users and not others? So I am forced to use a remote server to store some basic information?
Is there a way I can keep this working while I change over?
I am hoping my old eyes are reading this wrong.
If I am right, shouldn't we remove that parameter from
AcknowledgePurchase and Consume
And all of a sudden on some users I am not getting anything back from DeveloperPayload (which I set)
Scanning for the web I found this: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/developer-payload
As I read this Developer Payload is no longer supported?
Why is it working for some of my users and not others? So I am forced to use a remote server to store some basic information?
Is there a way I can keep this working while I change over?
I am hoping my old eyes are reading this wrong.
If I am right, shouldn't we remove that parameter from
AcknowledgePurchase and Consume