Android Question Did the forum receive some kind of update?


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Longtime User
Hey everyone. I didn't know in which forum to place this question so I am posting it here. I have noticed something strange in the last few days in the forums. Each time I used to open the forums in the past after a few moments I have been receiving the notifications with a red signal with a number counting these notifications. Now I do not see it any more, but when I click on the bell I see new notifications. Is something wrong? Does this happen to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
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I still see it. Seems to be a light blue bell with a red box over it with a number inside.
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That's what I see right now.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Have you made somechange in your router or pc firewall?
some days ago, I changed the firewall in my router from *low* to “medium”.
From that moment on, the forum search stop making autosuggestions, and some things more.... Maybe it blocks the notifications too...
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