iOS Question DIRINTERNAL B4I and B4J


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Hello !
I'm using RandomAccessFile to use with a simple list, and write it in the DIRINTERNAL. This is working in B4A, but i need this same code to use in B4I and B4J, but using the same code appear dirinternal like unknow member. I don't know if this works that same way with all B4X languajes.

I have the RandomAccessFile library version 1.72 in B4i and 2.33 in B4J

I appreciate any information!


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XUI. DefaultFolder As String [read only]

B4A - Same as File.DirInternal.
B4i - Same as File.DirDocuments.
B4J - Same as File.DirData. You must first call SetDataFolder once before you can use this folder.
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Thanks Roumei. To clarify, searching I found in B4J is necessary to add in the first lines of Main Tab the next code: #AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2
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