iOS Question Does an ipa have a readable signature


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CFBundleIdentifier seems to just give me whatever I have entered at [Project] > [Build Configurations] > [Package:] - can't see this as being unique to the version of the app.

Any other suggestions?
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I'm trying to protect from someone modifying and/or repackaging and putting on a site like Cydia.

Also I have some components of the app that I consider proprietary - can you tell me just how exposed they are to someone lifting them and using them in their own apps.
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B4X founder
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Generally speaking, iOS apps are more difficult to decompile than Android apps.
You can use this code to calculate the signature of the embedded provision profile:
#if Relesae
   Dim b() As Byte = Bit.InputStreamToBytes(File.OpenInput(File.DirAssets, "embedded.mobileprovision"))
   Dim md As MessageDigest
   Dim bc As ByteConverter
   Dim hex As String = bc.HexFromBytes(md.GetMessageDigest(b, "SHA-256"))
   Page1.Title = hex
#end if

A determined hacker will be able to remove the check or modify it as needed.
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Many thanks for your forbearance - I take it this will change if the hacker inserts or removes anything from the app and / or resigns it?
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