Android Code Snippet EditText Utils

Subject: Routines for selecting text and cursor management.

The result of these routines is visible only if the EditText has the focus !

Reminder of existing methods:

EditText.RequestFocus : Tries to set the focus to this view. Returns True if the focus was set.
EditText.SelectAll : Selects the entire text of EditText
EditText.SelectionStart : Gets or sets the selection start position (or the cursor position).
Returns -1 if there is no selection or cursor.

Sub: setCursorVisible
Description: Sets the cursor visible or hides it.
'Sets the cursor visible or hides it
Sub setCursorVisible(edt As EditText, Visible As Boolean)
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    jo.RunMethod("setCursorVisible", Array As Object(Visible))
End Sub

Sub: setTextIsSelectable
Description: Sets the text selectable or not selectable.
'Sets the text selectable or not selectable
Sub setTextIsSelectable(edt As EditText, Selectable As Boolean)
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    jo.RunMethod("setTextIsSelectable", Array As Object(Selectable))
End Sub

Sub: setSelection
Description: Selects the text between the two indexes.
'Selects the text between the two indexes.
Sub setSelection(edt As EditText, StartIndex As Int, EndIndex As Int)
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    jo.RunMethod("setSelection", Array As Object(StartIndex, EndIndex))
End Sub

Sub: getSelectionStart
Description: Returns selection start index.
'Gets the selection start index
Sub getSelectionStart(edt As EditText) As Int
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    Return jo.RunMethod("getSelectionStart", Null)
End Sub

Sub: getSelectionEnd
Description: Returns the selection end index.
'Gets the selection end index
Sub getSelectionEnd(edt As EditText) As Int
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    Return jo.RunMethod("getSelectionEnd", Null)
End Sub

Sub: setHighlightColor
Description:Sets the highlight color.
'Sets the highlight color
Sub setHighLightColor(edt As EditText, Color As Int)
   Private joEdt = edt As JavaObject
   joEdt.RunMethod("setHighlightColor", Array(Color))
End Sub

Sub: getHighlightColor
Description: Gets the highlight color.
'Gets the highlight color
Sub getHighLightColor(edt As EditText) As Int
   Private joEdt = edt As JavaObject
   Return joEdt.RunMethod("getHighlightColor", Null)
End Sub

Sub GetXYCursor
Description: Gets the x and y coordinates, in pixels, of the cursor in an EditText view.
'gets the x and y coordinates, in pixels, of the cursor in an EditText view
'the Y coordinate is at the base line, on top or on bottom of the line
'retuens an array of Ints
'X = xy(0) and Y = xy(1)
'the reference is the top left corner of the EditText
'YPosition can be "BaseLine", "TopOfLine", "BottomOfLine"
Private Sub GetXYCursor(edt As EditText, YPosition As String) As Int()
    Private joEditText, joLayout As JavaObject
    Private PaddingLeft, PaddingTop, ScrollY, Pos, Line, LineBaseline, LineTop, LineBottom As Int
    Private xy(2) As Int

    joEditText = edt
    PaddingLeft = joEditText.RunMethod("getPaddingLeft", Null)
    PaddingTop = joEditText.RunMethod("getPaddingTop", Null)
    ScrollY = joEditText.RunMethod("getScrollY", Null)
'    pos = edt.SelectionStart
    Pos = joEditText.RunMethod("getSelectionStart", Null)
    joLayout = joEditText.RunMethod("getLayout", Null)
    Line = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineForOffset", Array As Object(Pos))    'line numbsr
    LineBaseline = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineBaseline", Array As Object(Line))
    LineTop = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineTop", Array As Object(Line))
    LineBottom = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineBottom", Array As Object(Line))
    xy(0) = joLayout.RunMethod("getPrimaryHorizontal", Array As Object(Pos)) + PaddingLeft ' X coordinate
    Select Case YPosition
        Case "BaseLine"
            xy(1) = LineBaseline + PaddingTop - ScrollY    'base line    Y coordinate
        Case "TopOfLine"
            xy(1) = LineTop + PaddingTop - ScrollY    'top of the line     Y coordinate
        Case "BottomOfLine"
            xy(1) = LineBottom + PaddingTop - ScrollY 'text bottom line
    End Select
    Return xy
End Sub

Sub: CopyToClipboard
Description: Copies the selected text in the given EditText view to the clipboard.
Needs the Clipboard library.
Dim clip As BClipboard can be moved from the routine to Globals.
'Copies the selected text from the given EditText view to the Clipboard
Sub CopyToClipboard(edt As EditText)
    Dim txt As String
    Dim i1, i2 As Int
    Dim clip As BClipboard
    Dim jo = edt As JavaObject
    i1 = jo.RunMethod("getSelectionStart", Null)
    i2 = jo.RunMethod("getSelectionEnd", Null)
    txt = edt.Text.SubString2(i1, i2)
End Sub

Sub SelectLine
Description: Selects a line and highlights it.
'Selects the current line
'CursorPosition = text cursor position
'LineIndex = index of the line where the cursor is positioned
'LineStart = text cursor position of the first character in the line
'LineVisibleEnd = text cursor position of the last visible character in the line
Private Sub SelectLine
    Private joEditText, joLayout As JavaObject
    Private CursorPosition, LineIndex, LineStart, LineVisibleEnd As Int
    joEditText = edtTest
    joLayout = joEditText.RunMethod("getLayout", Null)
    CursorPosition = joEditText.RunMethod("getSelectionStart", Null)
    LineIndex = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineForOffset", Array As Object(CursorPosition))
    LineStart = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineStart", Array As Object(LineIndex))
    LineVisibleEnd = joLayout.RunMethod("getLineVisibleEnd", Array As Object(LineIndex))
    joEditText.RunMethod("setSelection", Array As Object(LineStart, LineVisibleEnd))
End Sub

The JavaObject routines can also be used without a sub like below or like in the CopyToClipboard routine above:
Dim jo = edt As JavaObject

jo.RunMethod("setTextIsSelectable", Array As Object(True))
jo.RunMethod("setCursorVisible", Array As Object(True))
jo.RunMethod("setSelection", Array As Object(5, 10))
Dependencies: JavaObject library, Clipboard library (only for CopyToClipboard)

Tags: EditText, selection, setSelection, text, setTextIsSelectable, cursor, setCursorVisible, copy, clipboard, getHighlightColor, setHighlightColor, CopyTpClipboard

Attached a small test program.

EDIT: 2020.06.09
Added the GetXYCursor routine

EDIT: 2019.04.03
Added getHighlightColor and setHighlightColor routines.

EDIT: 2016.06.27
Amended two errors. The methods getSelectionStart and getSelectionEnd didn't return a value.

EDIT: 2014.08.04
Added the getSelectionStart, getSelectionEnd and CopyToClipboard routines.


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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you, Klaus, for these code snippets. Very useful.

I have noticed that the cursor is always white no matter what the edt.textcolor is. If the edt.color is white, the cursor will not show.

I assume there is no way to change the color of the cursor?

Best regards.



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, Klaus.
I tested with 4 devices: 4.0 to 4.4 - only on the Samsung Note 10 is the cursor color gray or light blue - on the other 3, the cursor disappears on the white background. Easy to work around - no white background.
Thanks again and best wishes.