Android Question Erel_Collection_Example


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Going through Erel's tutorial: Erel_Collection_Example following with my B4A program I find that an error message occurs saying that the word wordsCount should be changed to wordsLength. However when I replace all the occurences I still have a hangup. The next error message is: 'For each word in Words.Length.Keys Word:Length' I'm not sure how to perform a work around since I'm using B4A and Erel is using B4J. Thanks


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Please let me know if this is not permitted due to some rules I'm not aware of. Do I always use an apostrophe like this?

Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
CountWords(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "pg20795.txt"))
End Sub

Sub CountWords(Text As String)
Dim Words() As String = Regex.Split($"[\s,.()!?"\-]"$, Text)
Dim wordsLength As Map
For Each word In Words
Dim count As Int
If wordsLength.ContainsKey(word) Then
count = wordsLength.Get(word)
count = count + 1
count = 1

End If
wordsLength.Put(word, count)

For Each word In Words.Length.Keys
Log($"${word}: {wordsLength.Get(word)}"$)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub '

It's from the 5 minute 36 second point on your tutorial.
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I'm still in the same tutorial (Erel_Collections_Example) and I get the following error message when I run debug.
Are you missing a library reference? Error occurred on line: 21
word = word.ToLowerCase
Word: tolowercase

'In Erel's code it's also line 21'

I clicked each library separately in the Library Manager and checked to see if the 'word.ToLowerCase' would function properly but no dice. My question? Where do I find a library which will solve this dilemma? Thanks

Here's my code:
Sub CountWords(Text As String)
        Dim words() As String = Regex.Split($"[\s,.()!?"\-:/\\;]+"$, Text)
        Dim wordsLength As Map
        For Each word In words
            Dim count As Int
'line 21' word = word.ToLowerCase
            If wordsLength.ContainsKey(word) Then
                count = wordsLength.Get(word)
                count = count + 1      
                count = 1
            End If
            wordsLength.Put(word, count)
        Dim list1 As List
        For Each word In wordsLength.Keys
            Dim wc As WordCount
            wc.Word = word
            wc.Count = wordsLength.Get(word)
        list1.SortTypeCaseInsensitive("Word", True)
        For Each wc As WordCount In list1
            Log($"${wc.Word}: ${wc.Count}"$)
End Sub
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Jorge M A

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Please use [CODE ][ /CODE] tags (without spaces) between your code.

ToLowerCase is a Core library method.

Change your For Each by this:

Dim l As Int=words.Length
    For x = 0 To l -1
        Dim count As Int
        words(x) = words(x).ToLowerCase

        (rest of your code)

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Thank you Jorge. Can a person view the contents of the libraries in the Libraries Manager tab? If so, how do I view a library?
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