I have two inapp products in GP Console for my application. I changed the status of one to Inactive, but when reading the available inapp products it loads both.
I can read ProductId, Name, ProductType, Title,.... but there is no information whether the product is Active or Inactive. Is it normal for it to load Inactive products?
I can read ProductId, Name, ProductType, Title,.... but there is no information whether the product is Active or Inactive. Is it normal for it to load Inactive products?
lSKU_inapp.Add("pro.gpbtest2") ' status Inactive in GP Console
'make sure that the store service is connected
Wait For (billing.ConnectIfNeeded) billing_Connected (Result As BillingResult)
'get the sku details
If Result.IsSuccess Then
Dim sf As Object = billing.QuerySkuDetails("inapp", lSKU_inapp)
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (Result2 As BillingResult, SkuDetails As List)
If Result2.IsSuccess And SkuDetails.Size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To SkuDetails.Size - 1