Hi all,
I'm having some trouble with the porting of an App from android to iOS.
When i compile in release mode the app i'm having some crash. I don't understand the error, also because this happen only in release mode and without the release logger enable (maybe it's just a case).
Then, i connect my iPhone 5S to Xcode to read the logs; this is what i found about the error but i can't understand whats' wrong.
The app require at least iOS 10 and is compiled in 64bit version.
Can you notice something that i missed? thanks in advance
I'm having some trouble with the porting of an App from android to iOS.
When i compile in release mode the app i'm having some crash. I don't understand the error, also because this happen only in release mode and without the release logger enable (maybe it's just a case).
Then, i connect my iPhone 5S to Xcode to read the logs; this is what i found about the error but i can't understand whats' wrong.
The app require at least iOS 10 and is compiled in 64bit version.
Can you notice something that i missed? thanks in advance
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: TimerTask
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: Connessione a www.csitacloud.net
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: Connessione OK
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: iStream NewData
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: Stato socket : true
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: iStream NewData
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: FFF13193
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: iStream NewData
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: Codice OK
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI Infinite[277] <Notice>: Class (b4i_linkedlist) instance released.
'HERE starts the crash
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[53] <Error>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI backboardd(BaseBoard)[58] <Error>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 277: No such process
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI backboardd(BaseBoard)[58] <Error>: Unable to get proc info for 277: Undefined error: 0
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[285] <Notice>: Trying to create CR directory structure as root
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[285] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Jun 28 17:19:39 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[285] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[58] <Notice>: EventStatistics.m:48 : 316.42343: Info: 13 Digitizer since 312.45299 (Thu Jun 28 17:19:36 2018)
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI ReportCrash[285] <Notice>: Formulating report for corpse[277] Infinite
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI ReportCrash(MobileCoreServices)[285] <Notice>: notify_register_check() failed with error 1000000
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: [Infinite:277] Port death watcher fired.
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100f326b0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&923FC010A3C8>
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x100f31b00; Infinite; com.***.********; pid: 277; agency: Application; visibility: foreground; task: none; hostpid: 53>
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100f326b0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&923FC010A3C8>
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: [Infinite:277] Invalidating...
Jun 28 17:19:40 iPhone-di-MacBook-CSI assertiond[64] <Notice>: [Infinite:277] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x100f326b0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&923FC010A3C8> [active]