Last year I used the instructions from this post to get the ESP32-CAM working.
A few days ago I dug out the board plugged it in and it worked. The video was not the greatest.
I reflashed the project into the ESP32Cam board and it broke the cam. Same problems as other people reported in other threads.
When flashing it says COM error, but that is not the real problem as far as I can tell.
These two files do not exist anymore #include "fd_forward.h & #include "fr_forward.h
I commented them out but still had problems. I think the INIT of the Camera and the SD card together are problematic.
I could not get it to work with the code from the link above.
With my ESP32CAM board (OV2640) I used a FTDI Board (HW-417) to program it using 5 volts. The IO0 pin has to be grounded for it to go into programming mode.
Once the B4R or Arduino starts trying to upload the code you need to push the Reset button on the back of the ESP32CAM board. Then the code will upload.
Once the code is Uploaded I removed the wire grounding the IO0 pin and reset the board again.
I downloaded the whole arduino lib zip file from github >>>
Then I unzipped it to my K: drive.
I went to the folder below and used the Arduino CameraWebServer ino project.
Before I compiled the program I switched the pin definitions in the camera_pins.h file.
I used the pin defines from the link above for the AI Thinker board but defined them as the CAMERA_MODEL_WROVER_KIT
My understanding is not all AI Thinker Boards have PSRAM, but by switching the pin defines and using the Wrover model PSRAM is enabled on my board.
So in Arduino 1.8.15 I selected Board: ESP32 WROVER Module Flash Frequency: 80Mhz, all the other settings were the same as in the post above.
I set the XCLK Mhz to 20.
It will stream HD (1280x720) a little better than 6 frames per second. Picture Quality is very good with a little lag.
It will stream QVGA (320x240) at 25 frames per second. Picture Quality is very good with no lag.
If the camera module does clitch hitting the reset button did not seem to fix it.
A quick power disconnect and it runs fine again. (As I was writing the the app crashed after 55 minutes. I had to power cycle it on and off.)
I may try and get the B4R code working again. The Arduino App has face recognition, etc... capabilities which is complete overkill for taking a picture or a small streaming app.
I would also like to try running it in a different core.
Anyway hope this helps somebody if they are having problems with the ESP32 Cam board.
ESP32 Camera Picture Capture and Video Streaming! (Updated with code!)
Hello! Last December I made a request for support for the ESP32 Camera support. Well, I finally found the time to work on it myself and here's my initial attempt at implementing this with B4R. I'm using an ESP32CAM camera board with 4GB of PSRAM (like extended memory for the camera). I'm...

A few days ago I dug out the board plugged it in and it worked. The video was not the greatest.
I reflashed the project into the ESP32Cam board and it broke the cam. Same problems as other people reported in other threads.
When flashing it says COM error, but that is not the real problem as far as I can tell.
These two files do not exist anymore #include "fd_forward.h & #include "fr_forward.h
I commented them out but still had problems. I think the INIT of the Camera and the SD card together are problematic.
I could not get it to work with the code from the link above.
With my ESP32CAM board (OV2640) I used a FTDI Board (HW-417) to program it using 5 volts. The IO0 pin has to be grounded for it to go into programming mode.
Once the B4R or Arduino starts trying to upload the code you need to push the Reset button on the back of the ESP32CAM board. Then the code will upload.
Once the code is Uploaded I removed the wire grounding the IO0 pin and reset the board again.
I downloaded the whole arduino lib zip file from github >>>
Then I unzipped it to my K: drive.
I went to the folder below and used the Arduino CameraWebServer ino project.
Before I compiled the program I switched the pin definitions in the camera_pins.h file.
I used the pin defines from the link above for the AI Thinker board but defined them as the CAMERA_MODEL_WROVER_KIT
My understanding is not all AI Thinker Boards have PSRAM, but by switching the pin defines and using the Wrover model PSRAM is enabled on my board.
So in Arduino 1.8.15 I selected Board: ESP32 WROVER Module Flash Frequency: 80Mhz, all the other settings were the same as in the post above.
I set the XCLK Mhz to 20.
It will stream HD (1280x720) a little better than 6 frames per second. Picture Quality is very good with a little lag.
It will stream QVGA (320x240) at 25 frames per second. Picture Quality is very good with no lag.
If the camera module does clitch hitting the reset button did not seem to fix it.
A quick power disconnect and it runs fine again. (As I was writing the the app crashed after 55 minutes. I had to power cycle it on and off.)
I may try and get the B4R code working again. The Arduino App has face recognition, etc... capabilities which is complete overkill for taking a picture or a small streaming app.
I would also like to try running it in a different core.
Anyway hope this helps somebody if they are having problems with the ESP32 Cam board.