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I could not wait to put up an app. This is based on an app I created in b4ppc to solve a problem I once had in an ER when a relative was admitted and I had no idea what meds they took, I hope it is not too buggy... I tested it and it seemed to work but I know from previous it is not tested till others give it a work out...


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zip updated

Original zip replaced today (22/12/10) 7:30am EST .......


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tried on a device

I put the app up on a device and found 2 bugs I had missed using the emulator.
Good to see my app on a device though....just like a developer(like being the operative word)...still a way to go. The new version is in the original post.


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Hi Trevor,

This is a fantastic SQL tutorial as well :sign0142:

Before I waste time trying myself, do you happen to know whether the SQL lib accepts databases in MySQL format? I have some on my server that I'd like to reuse. If not, I will search for a converter.

Thanks & Cheers


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"Unknown type: inputdialog"

I just got Basic4android and when I try to compile this app, it says "Unknown type: inputdialog" for line 40, which is "Dim id as InputDialog". I don't know anything about B4a yet -- am I just doing something wrong?


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missing dialog

You will need agrahams dialog library....


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hows that...

2 replys at the same time...we rock as a community


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Input error

why this error occurs when compiling the tutorial ?
Thank you


  • inputError.jpg
    40.7 KB · Views: 466


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needs dialog library

Do you have the dialog library??


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Try This

I have uploaded the version I just ran that worked, I cant see what is going on or why it is getting so far as the member that is not found is used in previous lines. Give it a go...


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cannot download the dialog library zip file...

Is there a way that the file be moved here so that users like I who do not have privledges to download files from the basic4ppc forum be able to do so. I only own B4A and not basic4ppc so I assume that is the problem.


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You appear as a non refistered user. The extra libraries can be downloaded only for users who bought B4a.
If you have bought B4A send an e-mail to [email protected] with your user name and email address used when purchasing Basic4androidand and they will fix it.

Best regards.


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Thank you Klaus. I had sent an email to support 2 days ago and still no access, I am a registered user but don't know why I don't appear as one here. I sent another email to support a few minutes ago. We will see what happens. Thanks for your help.