Share My Creation Fix My Welly

:sign0060: This is my first android app!! It enables Wellingtonians to capture, locate and describe problems to Wellington City Council in 3 simple steps. It uses GPS, Google Map and Geocoding technologies to identify the location of the problem.
This app is designed to work within Wellington suburbs only. Any problem requests captured using this app will be emailed to Wellington City Council for rectification.
If you have cool ideas on how to improve this app, please email me. I am looking forward to your emails.

Obviously, this app only works in Wellington, NZ.


If you live in Wellington, you can download it here


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Make one for Christchurch and you would be on a winner!!!! Nice going, great to see another Kiwi on the board :)
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Active Member
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Longtime User
It's really interesting.

I really wourld like one for my city (in Spain). Do you have plans for releasing code?


Active Member
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I've some interesting ideas for the app. It would be nice user can see problems submitted by other people ;)

If you need some help, tell me.

PD: I can't wait for seeing the code.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I've some interesting ideas for the app. It would be nice user can see problems submitted by other people ;)

Current implementation is very simple, it gathers all the data and submit to council via an email client in the phone.

To see problems submitted by other people, don't you need a web server or some kind to store it?

Btw, there is already a website (not developed by me) for that. Check this out ->
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi csgoh

Ever since my first and last visit to Kerikeri, NZ, in 1999 I admired
the Kiwis' sense and care for their environment. This application
idea whitnesses the continuous growth of awareness and I hope that
many Welly's in their suburbs will employ your tool rewarded
by prompt actions of the City Council.

An application like this should be spread around the world.
The only problem being, not all City Councils are interested in
fixing their problems, including, unfortunately, those on this island.

A heavy bombardment of reports may help improve the situation.