B4J Question from JDK 11 to JDK 8?


Hello everyone, here again to ask because i cant lose more time trying to solve it my own.
I have an app build in B4j with jdk 11 running in windows 64 but i need it to run also in 32 bits. Ive tried to follow many post/topics addressing this problem, most of the solutions given is to config your project to run on jdk 8, and ive tried, solving the head size problems for ("-Xmx512.."), aiming in your config to jdk 8 (javac.exe), etc...
The step i've got stucked is building the standalone package. I can compile and execute the project, but when i try to build it, it says Java 11+ is required. Any clue please?
Thanks in advance. And sorry if you consider this post spam, i know there are many people who asked the same problem and they have been helped. but i cant figure this out, have to try it.


Hello jahswant! thank you for your quick answer. The only thing im missing in this packaging is the library Archiver, is it an external one? i saw one in forum: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/lib-archiver.21688/
Just want to be sure as it says version 1.11, which makes me think is for Java 11

EDIT: Ive added it in my additional libraries and its running, my question is embarrassing, but the packager is asking for .jar that i dont know which one is needed?

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Sorry, but its not done, cant edit the posts above. Ive make the package and after installing it shows 2 errors:
1.- Class b4j/example/main not found
2.- Failed to launch JVM

I did try to run it on administrator mode, also tried to run it in a 64 system and a 32 system.

This is how i used B4JPackager:

I think my "Jar File" may not be the one i had to Browse?? it is from the project i want to build.
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