From VB6 to Basic4android


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Longtime User
I'm afraid NOT.

You could do it with:
If ... Then
Else If ... Then
Else If ... Then
End If

or with
Select Var
Case Var1
Case Var2
Case Else
End Select

If you have some trouble, post your code and we will help you.

Best regards.
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Longtime User
Is there list of all b4a language commands? I mean this version of Basic?? I have used various programming languages and sometimes it is bit confusing to remember what commands and their syntaxes are... I mean if-else, for-next etc.. (they are not problem but I just dont know what commands this b4a basic has..)

edit: Okay, core docs show them quite well, but what if I dont know what command name I'm looking, for example it would be nice for beginner to know commands by purpose, loops, conditional commands, etc. "basic language commands"
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
If you have some trouble, post your code and we will help you.

Well, okay...

This is a Sub in a VB6 program which I am trying to convert to B4A. There's only two line labels and only one place each where they are referenced, so I didn't want to have to restructure this whole Sub just for those two little checks if there was some easier alternative.

I've got a couple of other subs which are more complex than this and have 5-6 jumps in them. These are things that come up after I've written 90+% of the code and have to try to plug in some little additions.

Public Sub GetSuggestions( _
            ByVal str_Word As String, _
            ByVal sndx As String)
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim l As Integer
    Dim best As Integer
    Dim lev As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim tst1 As Integer
    Dim tst2 As Integer
    Dim tst3 As Integer
    Dim tst4 As Integer
    Dim sndx2 As String
    Dim w As String
    Dim w2 As String
    Dim w3 As String
    Dim cons As String
    Dim cons2 As String
    Dim c1 As String
    Dim c2 As String
    Dim keys(4) As String
    Dim roW As Long
    Dim col As Long
    Dim adjacent As Boolean
    Dim got1 As Boolean
    Dim wID As Long
    Dim q As Long
    Dim q1 As Long
    Dim q2 As Long
    Dim q3 As Long
    Dim sug(1000) As String
    Dim capWord As String
    Dim tempWord As String
    Dim z As Long
    Dim runOnWords() As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim changingSndx As Boolean
    Dim originalSndx As String
    If Len(str_Word) < 2 Then Exit Sub
    lstSuggestions.Height = lb_Links.Height - b_CloseSuggestions.Height
    lstSuggestions.Visible = True
    b_CloseSuggestions.Visible = True
    b_UseSuggestion.Visible = True

    s = LCase$(Left$(str_Word, 1))
    cons = Replace$(LCase$(str_Word), "a", "")
    cons = Replace$(LCase$(cons), "e", "")
    cons = Replace$(LCase$(cons), "i", "")
    cons = Replace$(LCase$(cons), "o", "")
    cons = Replace$(LCase$(cons), "u", "")
    If InStr("aeiou", s) > 0 Then cons = s & cons
    With WordsRS
        ' Swap out each letter and look for words: '
        .Index = "Text"
        k = Len(str_Word)
        For i = 1 To k
            w2 = str_Word
            c1 = Mid$(w2, i, 1)
            z = Asc(c1)
            For j = 97 To 122
                If j <> z Then
                    Mid$(w2, i, 1) = Chr$(j)
                    .Seek "=", w2
                    If Not .NoMatch Then
                        lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text
                    End If
                End If
        q1 = InStr(str_Word, "'")
        q2 = InStr(q1 + 2, str_Word, "'")
        q3 = InStr(q2 + 2, str_Word, "'")
        If q1 > 1 And q2 > 0 Then
            w2 = Left$(str_Word, q1 - 1)
            .Seek ">=", w2 
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                z = Len(w2)
                q = Len(str_Word)
                    Do While q <> Len(!Text) And w2 = LCase$(Left$(!Text, z))
                    If w2 <> Left$(!Text, z) Then Exit Do
                    tempWord = !Text
                    Mid$(tempWord, q1) = "'"
                    Mid$(tempWord, q2) = "'"
                    If q3 > 0 Then Mid$(tempWord, q3) = "'"
                    If tempWord = str_Word Then
                        lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text
                    End If
            End If
        End If
        w = t_Word

        .Index = "Soundex"
        .Seek "=", sndx
        If Not .NoMatch Then
            CortexRS.Index = "WordID"
            CortexRS.Seek "=", !id
            If Not CortexRS.NoMatch Then
              If CortexRS!linkID = 31015 Or CortexRS!linkID = 31040 Then
                If Not IsNull(CortexRS!startID) Then
                    wID = CortexRS!startID
                    CortexRS.Index = "ID"
                    CortexRS.Seek "=", wID
                    If CortexRS.NoMatch Then Stop
                    If IsNull(CortexRS!WordID) Then Stop
                    .Index = "ID"
                    wID = CortexRS!WordID
                    .Seek "=", wID
                    If .NoMatch Then Stop
                    For i = 1 To 6: lstSuggestions.AddItem " ": Next
                    lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text, 0
                    Exit Sub
                End If
              End If
            End If
            Do While !Soundex = sndx
                lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text
                If .NoMatch Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        If Left$(w, 2) = "aq" Then
            w = "acq" & Mid$(w, 3)
            sndx = Soundex(w)
            GoTo MatchSndx
        End If
        w2 = sndx
        c2 = Mid$(w2, 2, 1)
        Mid$(w2, 2, 2) = Mid$(w2, 3, 1) & c2
        .Seek ">=", w2
        If Not .NoMatch Then
            Do While Left$(!Soundex, Len(w2)) = w2
                lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text
                If .EOF Then Exit Do
        End If
        ' Swap 2nd-3rd digits (e.g.: 15 -> 51): '
        w2 = sndx
        c2 = Mid$(w2, 3, 1)
        If Not (Mid$(w2, 4, 1) = "0" And c2 = "0") Then
            ' Don't swap one 0 for another. '
            Mid$(w2, 3, 2) = Mid$(w2, 4, 1) & c2
            .Seek ">=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                Do While !Soundex = w2
                    lstSuggestions.AddItem !Text
                    If .EOF Then Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        ' See if text is a run-on word: '
        If Len(str_Word) > 3 Then
            int_Nested = 0
            FindRunOns str_Word, ""
            FindAffixes str_Word
        End If
        keys(0) = "            "
        keys(1) = " qwertyuiop "
        keys(2) = " asdfghjkl '"
        keys(3) = " zxcvbnm    "
        keys(4) = "            "
        ' Check for dropped first letter: '
        .Index = "Text"
        For j = 97 To 122 ' a - z '
            w2 = Chr$(j) & str_Word
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                got1 = True
            End If

        j = Len(str_Word)
        For i = 1 To j
            c1 = LCase$(Mid$(str_Word, i, 1))
            c2 = LCase$(Mid$(str_Word, i + 1, 1))
            If c2 = "'" And Right$("  " & str_Word, 3) = "in'" And i = j Then
                ' e.g.:  runnin'  '
                w2 = ChopRight(str_Word, 1) & "g"
                .Seek "=", w2
                If Not .NoMatch Then
                    lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                    got1 = True
                End If
            End If
            If c2 = "-" Then Exit For
            If c2 > "z" Then Stop: Exit For
            col = InStr(keys(1), c2)
            If col > 0 Then
                roW = 1
                col = InStr(keys(2), c2)
                If col > 0 Then
                    roW = 2
                    col = InStr(keys(3), c2)
                    roW = 3
                End If
            End If
            adjacent = False
            For j = -1 To 1 ' row '
                For k = 0 To 2 ' col '
                    If Mid$(keys(roW + j), col + k, 1) = c1 Then
                        adjacent = True
                    End If
                    w2 = Left$(str_Word, i - 1) & Mid$(str_Word, i + 1)
                    .Seek "=", w2
                    If Not .NoMatch Then
                        Do While !Text <> w2 And LCase$(!Text) = LCase$(w2)
                            If .EOF Then Exit Do
                        If !Text = w2 Then
                            lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                            got1 = True
                        End If
                    End If
            If Not adjacent Then
                col = InStr(keys(1), c1)
                If col > 0 Then
                    roW = 1
                    col = InStr(keys(2), c1)
                    If col > 0 Then
                        roW = 2
                        col = InStr(keys(3), c1)
                        roW = 3
                    End If
                End If
                For j = -1 To 1
                    If roW + j = 0 Then j = 0 ' row 0 is blank '
                    For k = -1 To 1
                        w2 = str_Word
                        c2 = Mid$(keys(roW + j), col + k, 1)
                        If c2 <> " " Then
                            Mid$(w2, i, 1) = Mid$(keys(roW + j), col + k, 1)
                            .Seek "=", w2
                            If Not .NoMatch Then
                                Do While !Text <> w2 And LCase$(!Text) = LCase$(w2)
                                    If .EOF Then Exit Do
                                If !Text = w2 Then
                                    lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                                    got1 = True
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    If roW + j = 3 Then Exit For ' row 4 is blank '
            End If
            w2 = str_Word
            Mid$(w2, i, 2) = Mid$(w2, i + 1, 1) & Mid$(w2, i, 1)
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                Do While !Text <> w2 And LCase$(!Text) = LCase$(w2)
                    If .EOF Then Exit Do
                If !Text = w2 Then
                    lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                    got1 = True
                End If
            End If
            If i < Len(str_Word) Then
                w3 = str_Word
                If Mid$(str_Word, i, 1) = "'" Then
                    w3 = Left$(w3, i - 1) & Mid$(w3, i + 1)
                End If
                For j = 97 To 122  ' a - z '
                    w2 = Left$(w3, i) & Chr$(j) & Mid$(w3, i + 1)
                    .Seek "=", w2
                    If .NoMatch Then
                        If i = 1 Then
                            w2 = Chr$(j) & w3
                            w2 = Left$(w3, i - 1) & Chr$(j) & Mid$(w3, i)
                        End If
                        .Seek "=", w2
                    End If
                    If Not .NoMatch Then
                        Do While !Text <> w2 And LCase$(!Text) = LCase$(w2)
                            If .EOF Then Exit Do
                        If !Text = w2 Then
                            lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                            got1 = True
                        End If
                    End If
            End If

        For j = 97 To 122  ' a - z '
            w2 = str_Word & Chr$(j)
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                Do While !Text <> w2 And LCase$(!Text) = LCase$(w2)
                    If .EOF Then Exit Do
                If !Text = w2 Then
                    lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
                    got1 = True
                End If
            End If
        If Left$(str_Word & "  ", 3) = "non" Then
            w2 = Mid$(str_Word, 4)
            .Index = "Text"
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                lstSuggestions.AddItem "non" & w2
            End If
        End If
        i = InStr(str_Word, "chu")
        If i > 0 Then
            w2 = Replace$(str_Word, "chu", "tu")
            .Index = "Text"
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
            End If
        End If
        If InStr(str_Word, "-n-") > 0 Then  ' May need to do this for 'n' as well. '
            ' cut-n-paste = cut-and-paste '
            w2 = Replace$(str_Word, "-n-", "-and-")
            .Index = "Text"
            .Seek "=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                lstSuggestions.AddItem w2
            End If
        End If
    End With
    If originalSndx <> "" Then
        ' See code further down which '
        ' sets "originalSndx".        '
        i = Val(Right$(sndx, 1))
        j = Val(Right$(originalSndx, 1))
        i = i + 1
        If i = j Then i = i + 1
        If i < 10 Then
            sndx = ChopRight(sndx, 1) & i
            GoTo CheckSndx
        End If
    End If
    ' Filter suggestions to get reasonable matches: '
    With lstSuggestions
        If .ListCount > 0 Then
            ReDim scores(1, .ListCount - 1) As Integer
            ReDim hiQ(1) As Integer
            i = 0
            ' Remove duplicates: '
            Do While i < .ListCount - 1
                Do While .List(i) = .List(i + 1)
                    .RemoveItem i
                i = i + 1
            If .ListCount = 0 Then
                GoTo WikiList
            End If
            i = 0
            Do While i < .ListCount
                w3 = .List(i)

                Do While InStr(.List(i), " ") > 0
                    i = i + 1
                    If i = .ListCount Then Exit Do
                If i = .ListCount Then Exit Do

                If str_Word <> w3 Then
                  If Abs(Len(str_Word) - Len(w3)) > 2 Then
                    scores(0, i) = 0
                    scores(1, i) = 0
                    scores(0, i) = qGram(str_Word, w3) _
                                   - Abs(Len(str_Word) _
                                   - Len(w2))
                    scores(1, i) = nGram(str_Word, w3)
                  End If

                  For j = 0 To 1
                    If scores(j, i) > hiQ(j) Then
                        hiQ(j) = scores(j, i)
                    End If
                End If
                i = i + 1

            n = .ListCount - 1
            For i = n To 0 Step -1
                sug(i) = .List(i)
                Do While InStr(.List(i), " ") > 0
                    sug(i) = .List(i)
                    i = i - 1
                    If i < 0 Then Exit For

                If str_Word <> sug(i) Then
                k = LevDist(str_Word, sug(i))
                If k < 5 Or (sug(i) <> "zzzz" And scores(0, i) > 0 And _
                   (scores(1, i) > 0 Or _
                    Len(str_Word) < 4)) _
                    tst1 = Len(str_Word) > 4 And _
                           hiQ(0) - scores(0, i) > 2
                    tst2 = Len(str_Word) > 2 And _
                           Len(str_Word) < 5
                    tst3 = scores(0, i) < 2
                    tst4 = hiQ(1) - scores(1, i) > 1 And _
                       Len(str_Word) - hiQ(1) < 4
                    w = Left$(sug(i), 1)
                    cons2 = Replace$(sug(i), "a", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "e", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "i", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "o", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "u", "")
                    If InStr("aeiou", w) > 0 Then cons2 = w & cons2

                    If (tst1 And tst2 And tst3) Or _
                       tst4 Or _
                       Abs(Len(str_Word) - Len(w3)) > 2 _
                        If LCase$(cons) <> LCase$(cons2) And k > 3 Then
                            sug(i) = "zzzz"
                        End If
                    End If
                ElseIf i < .ListCount And _
                        str_Word <> Replace$(sug(i), "-", "") And _
                        str_Word <> Replace$(sug(i), "'", "") _
                    sug(i) = "zzzz"
                End If
                End If
        End If
        j = 0
            If sug(j) <> "zzzz" Then .AddItem sug(j)
            j = j + 1
        Loop While sug(j) <> "" Or j < n
        Do While .List(0) = "" And .ListCount > 0
            .RemoveItem 0
        If .ListCount > 0 Then
            lev = 999
            n = 0
                w3 = .List(n)
                .RemoveItem n

                If (Abs(Len(str_Word) - Len(w3)) < 4 Or _
                     InStr(w3, " ") > 0) And _
                    Left$(w3, 2) <> " P" _
                    If InStr(w3, " ") > 0 And Left$(w3, 1) > "9" Then
                        ' Split up a run-on word. '
                        ' Make it go after after  '
                        ' non-split words with 1. '
                        .AddItem "2 - " & w3
                        n = n + 1
                        If str_Word = w3 Then
                            l = 0
                            l = LevDist(str_Word, w3)
                        End If
                        If (l < 3 Or (l = 3 And Len(str_Word) > 5)) And w3 <> "  " Then
                            FindWordID w3 ' sets long_WordID '
                            FindWordIDEntry w3, long_WordID ' sets long_CortexID '
                            If long_CortexID = 0 Then
                                w3 = w3 & " (Not in Cortex.)"
                            End If
                            .AddItem l & " - " & w3
                            n = n + 1

                            If l < lev Then lev = l
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            Loop While n < .ListCount
        End If
    End With
    ' Look in Wikipedia's list of common misspellings: '
    With WikiSpellRS
        .Index = "Wrong"
        .Seek "=", str_Word
        If Not .NoMatch Then
                w3 = !Right
                lstSuggestions.AddItem "0 - " & w3 & " (WikiSpell table)", 0
            Loop While !Wrong = w3
        End If
    End With
    With WordsRS
        If Len(str_Word) > 5 And Val(lstSuggestions.List(0)) > 1 Then
            w2 = Left$(str_Word, 3)
            .Seek ">=", w2
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                    i = LevDist(str_Word, !Text)
                    If i < 3 And InStr(!Text, " ") = 0 Then ' arbitrary '
                        lstSuggestions.AddItem i & " - " & !Text
                    End If
                    If .EOF Then Exit Do
                Loop While w2 = Left$(LCase$(!Text), 3)
                ' Remove duplicates: '
                i = 0
                Do While i < lstSuggestions.ListCount - 1
                    Do While Replace$(lstSuggestions.List(i), _
                                 " (Not in Cortex.)", "") = _
                                  Replace$(lstSuggestions.List(i + 1), _
                                  " (Not in Cortex.)", "")
                        lstSuggestions.RemoveItem i
                    i = i + 1
            End If
        End If
    End With
    n = lstSuggestions.ListCount - 1
    sug(0) = ""
    With WordsRS 'WordFreqRS
        WordsRS.Index = "Text"
        For i = 0 To n
            sug(i) = lstSuggestions.List(i)
            j = Val(sug(i))

                w3 = Mid$(sug(i), 5)
                z = InStr(w3, " (")
                If z > 0 Or Left$(w3, 1) = "0" Then
                    s = Mid$(w3, z)
                    w3 = Left$(w3, z - 1)
                    s = ""
                End If

                If InStr(w3, " ") = 0 Then
                    .Seek "=", w3
                    If Not WordsRS.NoMatch Then
                        If WordsRS!Text <> w3 Then WordsRS.MoveNext
                        k = WordsRS!Text <> w3
                        k = 0
                    End If
                    If WordsRS.NoMatch Or k Or IsNull(WordsRS!FreqUsed) Then
                        sug(i) = j & " (z) - " & w3
                    ElseIf WordsRS!FreqUsed < "4" Or str_Word = w3 Then
                        sug(i) = j & " (" & WordsRS!FreqUsed & ") - " & w3
                        sug(i) = ""
                    End If
                    If sug(i) <> "" Then sug(i) = sug(i) & s
                    ' Run-on word splits: '
                    sug(i) = j & " (s) - " & w3
                    'Words = Split(w3)
                End If
    End With
    With lstSuggestions
        k = Val(sug(0))
        For i = 0 To n
            If sug(i) <> "" Then
                If InStr(sug(i), "- =") > 0 Then
                    sug(i) = "0.0.0 (0) - " & Mid$(sug(i), 11)
                    z = 0
                ElseIf Len(cons) > 2 Then
                    j = InStr(sug(i), "-")
                    cons2 = Mid$(sug(i), j + 2)
                    s = Left$(cons2, 1)
                    j = InStr(cons2, "(")
                    If j > 0 Then cons2 = Left$(cons2, j - 2)
                    q2 = Abs(Len(cons2) - Len(t_Word))
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "a", "")
                    If Right$(cons2, 2) = "gn" Then 
                          cons2 = Left$(cons2, Len(cons2) - 2) & "n"
                    End If
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "e", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "i", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "o", "")
                    cons2 = Replace$(cons2, "u", "")
                    If InStr("aeiou", s) > 0 Then cons2 = s & cons2
                    z = LevDist(cons2, cons)
                    sug(i) = Left$(sug(i), 1) & "." & z & "." & q2 & Mid$(sug(i), 2)
                    sug(i) = Left$(sug(i), 1) & ".0.0" & Mid$(sug(i), 2)
                End If
                If z < 10 Then
                    .AddItem sug(i)
                End If
            End If
        If .ListCount = 2 Then
            If originalSndx = "" Then
                originalSndx = sndx
                If Right$(sndx, 1) = "0" Then
                    sndx = ChopRight(sndx, 1) & "1"
                    sndx = ChopRight(sndx, 1) & "0"
                End If
                GoTo CheckSndx
                .AddItem " - No suggestions found."
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        For i = 2 To .ListCount - 1
            w3 = .List(i)
            w3 = Replace$(w3, "(z", "(_")
            .List(i) = w3

    End With
End Sub
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Longtime User
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yeah, i'd love to know an equivalent for 'goto' and even 'gosub' (for my old apple days).

However, does Basic4Android support functions?

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Licensed User
Longtime User
My post #5 was an answer to JogiDroid's post (#3) not to yours (#4), I modified it to clarify.
I had a look at your subroutine, it's a quite long one.
Now I understand why you won't like to restructure the sub.
I hope for you that there will be a Goto equivalent in B4A in the furure, otherwise unfortunately, I could just say good luck for restructuring the routines.
Best regards.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Yes. All subs can return values in Basic4android.

Please start with the tutorials listed here: Basic4android - Android programming with Gui designer

I know that a sub can return a value, but that has nothing to do with the question of having the GOTO and GOSUB function *within* a sub.

When I'm deep into the middle of some complex code and need to get out of it and into another section of the code, sometimes from a lot of different places, I need to be able to say something like "GOTO SomePlace" where "SomePlace:" is a line label elsewhere in the same Sub.

In the code below, "GOTO AbortSave" is used in 15 different places. There simply isn't any easy way to structure the code to avoid using the GOTO's.

The code below is a large Sub which has a GOSUB in it. I know it's too big to really make sense of, but the gist is that the main part of the Sub is about 300 lines of code and the 2nd part (starting with the line label "ProcessEntry:") is 200 lines and a lot of the same variables are used in both parts.

It is not feasible to call a separate Sub for the 200 lines because so many variables would have to be passed to it from the original (300-line) Sub. By using GOSUB, I can put the second subroutine in the same Sub as the first one and use the same variables without having to pass their values.

The alternative to using GOSUB is that in B4A, I will have to enter the 200 lines of code twice (in this case, perhaps many times in other cases), once for each variable that I am processing.

    If Val(t_NewCID) = Val(cmbo_MultiStartID) And Val(t_NewCID) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "StartID # is the same as the entry's ID#."
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Val(cmbo_MultiStartID) = Val(t_Next) And Val(t_Next) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "StartID # is the same as the NextID #."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If cmbo_MultiStartID.Text <> "" Then
        If cmbo_MultiStartID.Text <> cmbo_MultiStartID.List(cmbo_MultiStartID.ListCount - 1) Then
            cmbo_MultiStartID.AddItem cmbo_MultiStartID.Text
            cmbo_MultiStartID.Height = 660
            fr_POS.Top = cmbo_MultiStartID.Top + cmbo_MultiStartID.Height
        End If
        cmbo_MultiStartID.Text = ""
    ElseIf Val(cmbo_NewLink) = 30930 Then ' contraction '
        MsgBox "Enter the first word of the contraction in the Start field" & Chr$(13) & "and the second word, if any, in the Next field."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    field = Trim$(cmbo_NewLink.Text)
    If field = "" Then
        s = "Enter a Link for the entry."
        GoTo AbortSave
    End If
    If Val(field) = 0 Then
        field = cmbo_NewLink
        If Val(field) = 0 Then
            s = "LinkID not found."
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If
    End If

    lID = Val(cmbo_NewLink)
    If lID = 0 Then cmbo_NewLink_LostFocus ' Get LinkID# for LinkType text '

    With CortexRS

    If b_SaveNewEntry.Caption = "Sa&ve Changes" Then

        ' Check changed existing entry: '
        If Trim$(t_NewCID) = "" Then
            s = "The entry's ID# is missing."
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If

        .Index = "ID"
        .Seek "=", Val(t_NewCID)
        If .NoMatch Then
            s = "Entry's cID# not found in database."
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If

        If cmbo_MultiStartID.ListCount > 1 Then
            MsgBox "Save aborted:" & Chr$(13) & _
                   "When changing an existing entry, only one StartID is allowed."
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If

        i = MsgBox("Save changes to this existing entry?", vbYesNo)
        If i = vbNo Then
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If

    End If

    If t_NewWord <> "" Then
        wID = Val(t_NewWord)
        If wID = 0 Then
            ' SaveWord will check for existing '
            ' entry for the word before saving.'
            SaveWord t_NewWord, cncl, wID
            If cncl Then GoTo AbortSave
            t_NewWord = wID & ": " & t_NewWord

            WordsRS.Index = "ID"
            WordsRS.Seek "=", wID
            If WordsRS.NoMatch Then
                s = "No entry in the Words table was found for ID#" & wID
                GoTo AbortSave
            End If
            If t_NewWord <> wID & ": " & WordsRS!Text Then
                t_NewWord = wID & ": " & WordsRS!Text
            End If
        End If
        wID = 0
    End If

    ' NextID -- '
    t_Next = Trim$(t_Next)
    If t_Next <> "" Then
        txt = t_Next
        If Left$(txt, 1) = "#" Then
            i = InStr(txt, "=")
            txt = LTrim$(Mid$(txt, i + 2))

        End If
        If Val(txt) > 2147483647 Then
            s = "Number is too large for Next ID field."
            If lID < 10 Then s = s & Chr$(13) & "Use LinkID# 10 for large numbers." & Chr$(13)
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If
        id = Val(txt)
        field = "NextID"
        startOrNextPOS = Val(cmbo_POS(1))
        GoSub ProcessEntry

        If lID < 10 Then
            If Val(t_Next) < 1 Then
                s = "No numeric data entered in Next field for numeric Link." & Chr$(13)
                GoTo AbortSave
            End If
            nID = Val(t_Next)
        ElseIf lID > 999 Then
            nID = Val(t_Next)
        ElseIf lID > 9 Then
            nID = Val(Mid$(t_Next, 2))
        End If
    End If

    ' StartID -- '
    field = "StartID"
    startOrNextPOS = Val(cmbo_POS(0))

    If cmbo_MultiStartID.ListCount > 0 Then
      For x = 0 To cmbo_MultiStartID.ListCount - 1
        id = Val(cmbo_MultiStartID.List(x))
        txt = cmbo_MultiStartID.List(x)
        cmbo_MultiStartID.Text = txt
        GoSub ProcessEntry
        sID = Val(cmbo_MultiStartID.Text)

        If b_SaveNewEntry.Caption = "Save &New Entry" Then
            If wID > 0 Then
                If t_NewWord = "" Then
                    wID = 0
                    WordsRS.Index = "ID"
                    WordsRS.Seek "=", wID
                    If WordsRS.NoMatch Then
                        s = "WordID# " & wID & " is not in the Words table."
                        GoTo AbortSave
                    End If
                End If
            End If

            If wID > 0 Then
                .Index = "WordID2LinkID"
                .Seek "=", wID, lID
                .Index = "StartID2NextID2LinkID"
                If nID = 0 And t_Next <> "0" Then
                    .Seek "=", sID, Null, lID
                ElseIf nID > 0 Then
                    .Seek "=", sID, nID, lID
                    If .NoMatch And lID > 999 Then
                        ' If a Number table reference. Don't '
                        ' need to check the fields reversed. '
                        .Seek "=", nID, sID, lID
                    End If
                End If
            End If

          If Not .NoMatch Then
            If sID = Val("" & !startID) And nID = Val("" & !nextID) Then
              If Val("" & !linkID) > 0 Then
                If InStr(t_NewPhrase, "<") > 0 Then
                    ' Saving a script, so just enter the ID#: '
                    t_NewCID = "" & !id
                    Exit Sub
                ElseIf cmbo_MultiStartID.ListCount = 1 Then
                    MsgBox "Save aborted:" & Chr$(13) & _
                           "This entry has already been saved (Cortex entry ID#" & !id & ")."
                    txt = cmbo_MultiStartID
                    cmbo_MultiStartID = txt
                    cmbo_MultiStartID.Height = 600
                    fr_POS.Top = 3330
                    Exit Sub
                    MsgBox "The entry with the StartID shown has already been saved " & _
                           "(#" & !id & ")." & Chr$(13) & _
                           "Continuing with other StartID#'s."
                    GoTo SkipIt
                End If
                cID = !id
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End If

        ' Save it: '
        wID = Val(t_NewWord)
        SaveNewEntry cID, wID, sID, nID, lID, cncl
        If cncl Then Exit Sub
    Else ' Nothing in StartID: '
        sID = 0
        SaveNewEntry cID, wID, sID, nID, lID, cncl
        If cncl Then Exit Sub
    End If

    If wID > 0 Then ' And lID > 29999 And lID < 31000 Then
        SaveSylsAndPrn cID, wID
        If bln_Abort Then
            bln_Abort = False
            Exit Sub
        End If
        WordsRS.Index = "ID"
        WordsRS.Seek "=", wID
        i = Val("" & WordsRS!FreqUsed)
        If i <> cmbo_Freq(1).ListIndex Or IsNull(WordsRS!FreqUsed) Then
            If cmbo_Freq(1) <> "" Then
                WordsRS!FreqUsed = cmbo_Freq(1).ListIndex
            End If
            WordsRS!Tag = ""
        End If
    End If

    txt = cmbo_MultiStartID
    cmbo_MultiStartID = txt
    cmbo_MultiStartID.Height = 600
    fr_POS.Top = 3530

    i = Val(cmbo_NewLink.Text)
    If i = 30010 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: noun plural"
    ElseIf i >= 30050 And i <= 30065 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: past tense"
    ElseIf i = 30070 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: gerund"
    ElseIf i = 30080 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: -s (verb)"
    ElseIf i = 30090 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: compar.adj."
    ElseIf i = 30091 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: superl.adj."
    ElseIf i = 30092 Then
        b_Affix.Caption = "&Make entry for: adverb"
    End If
    If b_Affix.Caption <> "" Then b_Affix.Visible = True

    ' Redisplay word: '
    If lb_TypeOf.ListCount > 0 Then
    ElseIf lb_POS.ListCount > 0 Then
        w1 = cmbo_MultiStartID
        i = InStr(w1, " - ")
        If i > 0 Then w1 = Mid$(w1, i + 3)
        w2 = t_Next
        i = InStr(w2, " - ")
        If i > 0 Then w2 = Mid$(w2, i + 3)
        wd = t_NewWord
        i = InStr(wd, ": ")
        If i > 0 Then wd = Mid$(wd, i + 2)
        If t_Word <> wd And t_Word <> w1 And t_Word <> w2 Then
            If t_Word = "" Then
                If wd <> "" Then
                    t_Word = wd
                    t_Word = w1
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If

    Exit Sub

    If id > 0 Or txt = "0" Or Left$(txt, 3) = "0, " Then ' Cortex ID# given. '
        If lID < 1000 And field = "NextID" Then
            If lID < 10 Then ' NextID is a numeric datum. '
                nID = id

            ElseIf lID = 900 Then ' NextID is the Shapes table. '

            Else ' NextID is a link to the Numbers table. '
                SaveNewNumData lID, id, txt, cncl
                If cncl Then GoTo AbortSave
                If id = 0 Then Stop ' entry # is not in database '
                t_Next = "#" & id & " = " & t_Next
            End If

        ElseIf InStr(cmbo_MultiStartID.Text, "-word phrase") > 0 Then
            cmbo_MultiStartID.Text = "" & Val(cmbo_MultiStartID.Text)

            .Index = "ID"
            .Seek "=", id
            If .NoMatch Then
                MsgBox txt & "#" & id & " is not in the Cortex."
                If field = "NextID" Then
                End If
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

    ElseIf txt <> "" And Left$(txt & " ", 1) <> "#" Then
        ' # not entered; look up text: '
        If Left$(txt, 3) = "0 -" Then txt = Mid$(txt, 5)
        FindWordID txt
        If long_WordID = 0 Then
            If InStr(txt, " ") > 0 Then
                MsgBox "For multi-word terms, enter the ID#" & Chr$(13) & "of the entry joining the words."
                Exit Sub
            End If

            y = MsgBox("'" & txt & "' is not in the Words table. Enter it?", vbYesNo)
            If y = vbNo Then
                If field = "NextID" Then
                End If
                Exit Sub
            End If
            SaveWord txt, cncl, wID2
            If cncl Then Exit Sub
            wID2 = WordsRS!id
        End If

        ' Look up Type-Of or Part-Of entry of StartID/NextID, if any: '

        ' First get WordID-POS entry: '
        If startOrNextPOS = 0 Then
            FindWordIDEntry txt, WordsRS!id
            If long_CortexID = 0 Then
                s = "POS entry not found for " & txt
                GoTo AbortSave
            End If
            Cortex2RS.Index = "ID"
            Cortex2RS.Seek "=", long_CortexID
            startOrNextPOS = Cortex2RS!linkID
        End If

        Cortex2RS.Index = "WordID2LinkID"
        Cortex2RS.Seek "=", wID2, startOrNextPOS

        If Cortex2RS.NoMatch Then
            s = "'" & txt & "' does not have a WordID-POS entry" & Chr$(13) & "with the POS shown." & Chr$(13) & "Make an entry for it first."
            GoTo AbortSave
        End If

        i = Cortex2RS!id
        Cortex3RS.Index = "StartID2LinkID"
        ' Now get type-of or part-of entry: '
        Cortex3RS.Seek "=", i, lng_TypeOfID
        If Cortex3RS.NoMatch Then Cortex3RS.Seek "=", i, lng_PartOfID

        If Not Cortex3RS.NoMatch And _
           Not Cortex2RS.NoMatch And _
           lID <> lng_TypeOfID And _
           lID <> lng_PartOfID _
            str_Phrase = ""
            x = 0
            ' Build a list of sets this word belongs '
            ' to for the user to choose from:        '
                If Cortex3RS!linkID = lng_TypeOfID Then
                    t = "type of"
                    t = "part of"
                End If
                str_Phrase = str_Phrase & "cID# " & Cortex3RS!id & _
                             ": " & t & " = " & Cortex3RS!nextID & Chr$(13)
                id = Cortex3RS!nextID
                bln_ShowDetail = False
                LookUpLinks id, str_Phrase
                bln_ShowDetail = ck_ShowDetail.Value
                If Cortex3RS.EOF Then Exit Do
            Loop While Cortex3RS!WordID = wID2 And Cortex3RS!linkID = lng_TypeOfID

                j = Val(InputBox$("Enter number of entry to use for " & _
                              txt & ":" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & str_Phrase & Chr$(13) & _
                              "WordID-POS entry #" & Cortex2RS!id & " " & _
                              txt & " - " & Cortex2RS!linkID))
                If j = 0 Then
                    s = "No entry number selected."
                    GoTo AbortSave
                End If
            Loop While InStr(str_Phrase & Cortex2RS!id, "" & j) = 0 ' Make sure # is one listed. '

            j = Cortex2RS!id

        End If

        If field = "StartID" Then
            cmbo_MultiStartID = j & ": " & txt
            t_Next = j & ": " & txt
        End If

    End If

    If id > 0 And lID > 999 And _
       (lID < 30000 Or lID > 30899) And _
       InStr(alreadyChecked, " " & id & " ") = 0 _
        .Index = "ID"
        .Seek "=", id
        alreadyChecked = alreadyChecked & " " & id & " "
        j = !linkID

        If j >= lng_FirstPOSID And j <= lng_LastPOSID Then  ' Entry has a POS link. '
            .Index = "StartID2LinkID"
            .Seek "=", id, 29010
            If .NoMatch Then .Seek "=", id, 29110
            If Not .NoMatch Then n = "" & !id
            s = ""
            z = 0

            Do While Not .NoMatch
                If Val("" & !startID) <> i Or _
                   !linkID <> lng_TypeOfID _
                    Exit Do
                End If

                z = z + 1
                s = i & " - " & !nextID & Chr$(13)
                If .EOF Then Exit Do

            If z > 0 Then
                If z = 1 And _
                    n <> txt And _
                    Val("" & !startID) = id _
                    y = MsgBox("The WordID-POS entered has a Type-Of entry." & Chr$(13) & _
                                "Use that entry instead?", vbYesNoCancel)
                    If y = vbYes Then
                        If field = "StartID" Then
                            cmbo_MultiStartID.Text = txt
                            t_Next = txt
                        End If
                    ElseIf y = vbCancel Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If

                ElseIf z > 1 Then
                    j = InputBox("The WordID-POS entered has these Type-Of entries:" & _
                                 Chr$(13) & s & Chr$(13) & _
                                 "Enter the ID# of the entry to use or press Enter" & Chr$(13) & _
                                 "to use the original entry ID# you entered:")
                    If j > 0 Then
                        y = InStr(s, j & " ")
                        If y > 0 Then
                            z = InStr(y + 4, s, Chr$(13))
                            If field = "StartID" Then
                                cmbo_MultiStartID.Text = Mid$(s, y, z - y)
                                t_Next = Mid$(s, y, z - y)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If

End With

    MsgBox "Save aborted." & Chr$(13) & s
    bln_Abort = True
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Below is a list I have started working on...

Edit: A revised list has been posted in a message below.
Last edited:
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I wonder if you can use functions along with if then/else/while commands in place of goto and gosub. I believe this is possible - I think.

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Licensed User
Longtime User

Nice!!! This is TOTALLY useful. Please address files, as I will DEFINITELY be using them (lol). I will add to this if I get good enough at B4A.

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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I changed up Mid$(text, n, x) to clarify it and added Left$ and Right$:

Mid$(text, n, x) [x=length wanted]  text.SubString2(n, n+x) [n+x=end position]
  Ex: Mid$("abcd", 2, 2) = "bc"        "abcd".SubString2(2, 2+2) = "bc" [pos. 2-4]
Left$(text, n)  [n=num.of chars.]   text.SubString2(1, n)
  Ex: Left$("abcd", 2) = "ab"          "abcd".SubString2(1, 2) = "ab"  [position 1-2]
Right$(text, n)                     text.SubString(text.Length - n + 1)
  Ex: Right$("abcd", 2) = "cd"         "abcd".SubString(4 - 2 + 1) = "cd" [position 3+]
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User

In your samples above you are incorrect on "abcd".SubString2(1, 2) = "ab"
It would only return the "b". The string is zero based: "abcd".SubString2(0, 2) = "ab"
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
In your samples above you are incorrect on "abcd".SubString2(1, 2) = "ab"
It would only return the "b". The string is zero based: "abcd".SubString2(0, 2) = "ab"

I went back to Core - String and it doesn't mention that the first character in the string is considered character 0. You can get it from studying the example, but I just wasn't thinking along those lines because I've never seen string pointers treated this way before, so I didn't notice it. Maybe they should add a note mentioning it.

Apparently, B4A treats a string as an array of characters where the first character in the string is array element 0.

Mid$("abcde", 1, 1) = "a" = letter array index 0
Mid$("abcde", 2, 1) = "b" = letter array index 1
Mid$("abcde", 3, 1) = "c" = letter array index 2
Mid$("abcde", 4, 1) = "d" = letter array index 3
Mid$("abcde", 5, 1) = "e" = letter array index 4

In "abcde".SubString2(n, x), "n" is an array index 0-4 (the "BeginIndex") and "x" is an array index 0-5 ("EndIndex") because the SubString only goes up to but not including the letter array element specified by the EndIndex, so to get last actual letter of the string, you have to use an index one greater than the actual last letter array index.

As you can see, the BeginIndex is just 1 less than the character position you want to start with, while the EndIndex is the same actual position of the character you want to end with. However, in VB, we don't specify a start and end character position, we specify a start position and length, so to get the ending character position, you have to add the length to the start position MINUS 1. Example: Mid$("abcde", 2, 3) = "bcd", but the ending character position of "d" is actually 4, which is 2+3-1.

To convert Mid$("abcde", 2, 3) to B4A, referring back to the chart above, "bcd" have indices 1-3, so BeginIndex = 1 and EndIndex is 4, as shown in the last example. So in B4A, you have "abcde".SubString2(1, 4), or:

Mid$(text, n, x) = text.SubString2(n-1, n+x-1)

For Left$("abcde", 2), you use SubString2 and you want the letters with indices 0 and 1, which is "abcde".SubString2(0, 1+2-1). Notice that 1+2-1=2, so the EndIndex when converting Left$ is the same as the character position used in Left$, or ...

Left$(text, n) = text.SubString2(0, n)

For Right$("abcde", 2), you want the letters with indices 3 and 4, which is "abcde".SubString(3, 5). The BeginIndex is the length of the string (which is 5) minus the number in Right$ (which is 2) plus 1. You have to use 5 (the length of the string) as the EndIndex even though there is no letter for index 5 because the SubString does not include the character with the EndIndex. So ...

Right$(text, n) = text.SubString2(text.Length - n + 1, text.Length)

An easier conversion to B4A is to use SubString rather than SubString2 because SubString just goes from BeginIndex to the end of the string:

Right$(text, n) = text.SubString(text.Length - n + 1)

So here are the revised equivalents for converting from VB to B4A:

                   VB                                         B4A
                   ==                                         ===
Mid$(text, n, x) [x=length wanted]    text.SubString2(n-1, n+x-1) [n+x-1=end position]
  Ex: Mid$("abcd", 2, 2) = "bc"        "abcd".SubString2(1, 3) = "bc" [pos. 2-3]
                                        0123 : index 1 up to but excluding index 3 = bc
Left$(text, n)  [n=num.of chars.]     text.SubString2(0, n)
  Ex: Left$("abcd", 2) = "ab"          "abcd".SubString2(0, 2) = "ab"  [position 1-2]
Right$(text, n)                       text.SubString(text.Length - n + 1)
  Ex: Right$("abcd", 2) = "cd"         "abcd".SubString(4 - 2 + 1) = "cd" [position 3+]

If you think this is confusing, welllll, it took me over 2 hours to compose this message because I kept getting mixed up. (Hey, I'm OLD!) Can't wait to start converting a few thousand lines of code now.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I think this thread should be a sticky or start a new thread with this list - OP, please make one of these a sticky!

Could you please keep the list updated so we can copy and paste it with all corrections in place?

Thank you for doing this.

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