Frustration :(


Licensed User
Longtime User
I want to try:

1) 8 bit draw (great job): 5,000-10,000 downloads
2) brain scan omatic (1 hour work): 500,000 - 1,000,000 downloads

(same period)

Actually, I'm a very slow coder, so it took me about 3h to complete, plus 1h to "polish" a bit the code...
The whole Brain-Scan-Omatic is now reduced to 214 code lines plus the cameraEx class.

I have at the moment 4 GP published apps, and if I add all the previous 3 overall downloads, I don't even make pass the 1.5k downloads at a surprisingly less than 200 active user!

Bottom line is, I don't think too much about how many equal or similar apps are out there... I try to think on how I can make it unique, by having/giving the user an unique feature they never thought needed!

BTW, I like your 8-Bit draw app, and if I may be so bold, can I suggest a new name for it (?)
8-Bit Movie Maker

From the video, I see as target 2 types of public...
1 - the Dev Wannabee's like myself, who like to do some graphics on their own... your app provides a dirty quick result.
2 - the young kid that like to create he's very own small movie... the Tarantino's wannabee's!

A possible extra feature to export the "video" animation to Social apps would/will greatly increase it's usage


Licensed User
Longtime User
Actually, I'm a very slow coder, so it took me about 3h to complete, plus 1h to "polish" a bit the code...

3h, ok.

Add at least one interstitial on start, do advertising and you'll get at least $ 100,000 in 2 years!



Licensed User
Longtime User
I just changed the way I was showing ads in it... should get a few more views now.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know, but I don't do it for the money... I do it for FAME! (LOL)
Now seriously, I do not intend to get rich with my apps, nor to quit my day job with/for them...
Still, if I see it has a lot of views, but no significant revenue, I may later change the AdProvider...