Game of War makes 1 million dollars a day!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Holy $#!t!!

I agree that the developers are indeed assholes to the players, but damn... do they know how to make money!


(also featuring, Kate's bewbs!)

Video link here.
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Well-Known Member
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But they invested $40 million just for advertising! :D


Licensed User
Longtime User
@wonder, avoid to do as I do, this is a bad flaw:

do not to give bad news, otherwise people hate you :D
How is this bad news? Unless you already spent a few thousands in the game... ;) :D


Licensed User
Longtime User
Some considerations:

1) it is free of charge but with in app purchases between 5 and 90 euro!

2) the Android version has 10 millions to 50 millions of downloads!

Despite point 2, there is a VERY NICE warning:

Descrittori di contenuti

Attenzione. I contenuti non sono stati ancora classificati. Le app prive di classificazione potrebbero presentare contenuti adatti esclusivamente a un pubblico adulto

Content descriptors.
Attention. The contents have not yet been classified. The app without classification may have content suitable only for adult audiences.

Not only in Italy are the recommended!

Someone creates a few rules, but he does not force anyone to respect them, obviously.


Licensed User
Longtime User
The bad news is that there are developers able to collect 1 million a day!

I know someone that collected $0.28 in 12 months!!!
I did!!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm getting close but as there is a minimum withdraw value ($70?) I might need another century before I can have my payout ;)