Android Tutorial Google Play: "Designed for tablet screens"

A change is coming up on November 21 on Google Play. The applications considered by Google as not designed for tablets will be marked as designed for phones and, by default, won't appear for tablets (a setting will allow to switch to the former view, with all apps, but we can bet that most users won't change it). For B4A users, the minimum things to do to make an app "designed for tablet screens" are:
- set android:largeScreens to true in the Manifest editor (it is true by default);
- set targetSdkVersion to 11 or higher in the Manifest editor (it is set to 14 in new projects);
- add a folder \Objects\res\drawable-hdpi to your project and place the icon.png (minimum size 72x72) of your app inside;
- import at least two screenshots in the Tablet section (7" and 10") of the Google Play console.


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There is an error with xxxhdpi folder
Parsing code.                          0.05
Compiling code.                        0.04
Compiling layouts code.                0.00
Generating R file.                      Error
invalid resource directory name: res/drawable-xxxhdpi
Beside that all other folders works fine.


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I too got this error in Google Play:
Your layout should make use of the available space on 7-inch tablets

To clear the message, all I had to do was upload a different screenshot for the 7 inch tablet. It seems that Google Play thought that my first one had too much white-space or something :)

Like I say, that cleared the message for me - so hopefully it might be helpful for anyone else who has the same issue :)


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At compile time, the file is automatically deleted !!! an idea ?

the folder properties to read-only = true

\res\drawable-xxxxxxx \icon.png

I want to integrate - B4A V3.82
ScreenSize PixelDensity LauncherIconPixelSize ActionBarIconSize NotifyIconSize
xxxlarge 640 192x192 128x128 96x96
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You must make the files themselves read only, not the folder


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Now, TV has appeared as well in Google Play. Anyone who knows if there are any special requirement for an app to show up there?


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Greetings, all, and thank you in advance for your replies.

I have completed creating icons for:

\Objects\res\drawable\icon.png (48x48)
\Objects\res\drawable-hdpi\icon.png (72x72)
\Objects\res\drawable-xhdpi\icon.png (96x96)
\Objects\res\drawable-xxhdpi\icon.png (144x144)
\Objects\res\drawable-xxxhdpi\icon.png (192x192)

(The directory structure above - courtesy of danijel see

I am not clear as to Erel's response on the subsequent post:

You don't need to modify the manifest file.

This is my manifest file:

<supports-screens android:xlargeScreens="true"

Do I have to specify xxlarge, xxxlarge screens in the manifest?

Best regards.
