Google sucks writing a OS


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I have old VB6 programs running in Windows 10. Perfect, no problem. I know Linux programs written 5 - 10 years ago still run. WHY!

Why does Google break our programs with new versions?

I hate Google as a OS company.


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how you develop (easy or deep using system functions directly)

I am using deep system functions. Lets just say I call the Windows Win32 API directly when the language I use does not support what I need.

Sample. B4A does not support dimming the bottom button bar in Android 4.x --> So you use reflection and get it done. This method fails on Android 5 and above.

I know a lot has to do with Google releasing the base code to everyone to tweak as the see fit. But Linux got it right. My app will run perfect on Android 4.x and fail on Android 5.x Then I have to fix it. I also have a ping function that works in Android 4.x but is failing on 5. I still need to look at that one as I have no idea why it is failing but remember I used the code Erel posted.

I am just saying Android is a baby OS compared to Windows and Linux.

As someone posted... On Anger resume next! :)


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LOL... What do you use to write b4x? Android? (What OS did Erel pick for his project?) Windows is NOT perfect but it is all we have. Linux as a desktop failed but as a server OS... Oh yeah!!! Linux is a great server OS! Desktop wise. It is Windows. Not my first choice but reality.
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Backwards compatibility is a big issue on Android. (see how big the support libraries have become)
There are two reasons.
To get android to the market, alot of APIs developed were simply not good enough. (Contacts/Contacts2/ContactsContract, Camera/Camera2). A lot of them got depreciated.
The other reason is that google opened up some 'unsupported' APIs to allow developers to do stuff, and they later closed them. (getRunningTasks).
The third reason is decision reversals google keeps making (SDCards: good or not?).
but yes, they are not consistent. I guess Project leads come and go and each one has a different perspective on what the 'right' way to do things is.


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The other reason is that google opened up some 'unsupported' APIs to allow developers to do stuff, and they later closed them. (getRunningTasks).
The third reason is decision reversals google keeps making (SDCards: good or not?).

Again, I am just saying Android is a baby OS compared to Windows and Linux.


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Again, I am just saying Android is a baby OS compared to Windows and Linux.
But a giant in the mobile OS world.

I used to work for a moblie phone manufacturer back in the days when Apple was the ONLY true smartphone maker. They vowed to launch an 'iPhone Killer' Needless to say, it never happened. Android came along!!!


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Just to comment that (after 15 years) we deliberately stopped developing products for Windows because we were not able to develop products that would reliably run on all OS versions and PC system

Wow! In my day job we have over 500000 lines of VB.NET code that runs everywhere, XP and above. No problems.
And back to my VB6 days I never had and issue.


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Ok, here is one for you. I wrote a app 5 days ago for my wife to track a daily budget. She is getting (she received it today) her first smart phone, It is a quick app, 2 hours of my time... very simple. Works just fine on my Android 4.x phone.

I install it on her new phone running Android 5.1 and you cannot see any text on the screen?

Source included.


  • simple
    32.2 KB · Views: 210


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The problem is that your panel background color is white and the default text color of the labels is white too.
Therefore you won't see anything.
Set the panel backgound color to the default color (black).
If you want the panel background color beeing white you need to change the label text colors.


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It was just an example. Easy to fix. I need to get a android 6 device to test with now. No telling what Google broke... :)
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Well-Known Member
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I have old VB6 programs running in Windows 10. Perfect, no problem. I know Linux programs written 5 - 10 years ago still run. WHY!

Why does Google break our programs with new versions?

I hate Google as a OS company.

I agree with you. But some people would see this as an opportunity to upgrade their clients for each new OS release and earn more $$$.
Like the old motto says, when you've got nothing but lemons coming your way, make lemonade.


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I agree with you. But some people would see this as an opportunity to upgrade their clients for each new OS release and earn more $$$.
Like the old motto says, when you've got nothing but lemons coming your way, make lemonade.

Yeah! Lemonade! Done that a few times. :)

"But some people would see this as an opportunity to upgrade their clients for each new OS release" I do agree BUT... Not on a $1.00 app. OH!!! Good idea for a new multi question post. Where do you sell your apps... :)