Android Tutorial Grid Sample


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About selection... like said before, the grid is able to use custom controls like radiobuttons and checkbuttons. Not only is this easier for the developer, but also better for the user to see what is selected and what not.

It is not possible to fully implement 'row' selection in the grid module alone because the click events have to be dealt with in the activity. This would require a Java library I guess and this is out of the scope of this example.


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Advanced sample


Since a lot of people seem to have problems implementing/extending my grid sample, I have added an advanced sample with row/field selection in about 2 hours .

I also added the functionality to change a field without redrawing the whole grid (only working for labels, but can easily be extended).

The advanced sample has 2 things added. Click on a number field and it will change it's value (see activity code grdSample_Click) and update according to the color rules. It will also update the footer. Click on the ID column to use row/field selection (use the radiobuttons on the top to indicate selectionmode). I've added some helper functions in the Grid module for selection/deselection and DataRowIndex <-> VisibleRowIndex conversions.

1 more thing: a field (TField) is a part of a row (TRow). Look into the Grid module for more info.

C&C welcome...



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Added custom height for a column based on the value of another column. Implemented the sorting by columnheader in the advanced sample at the same time.


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Sorry,I need example code for selection row (highlight row)for grid,it would be most appreciate for you.


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Issue running any of the examples

I am trying to run your examples and am getting the following error.

Program pause on line 583
idDefault = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", DefaultImage)

Looks like its trying to reference a static inside the package, but since I'm not familiar with Android and relection I'm not sure what is going on.

I simply downloaded and installed the package and tried to run it on B4A 1.90.

What am I missing/doing wrong?


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Never mind. I figured what I was doing wrong. Things get buried pretty quickly and missed the thing about nine patch images. I also needed to clean the project again after reinstalling the missing png files.


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I'm Sorry I cannot run this one.

It throws me this pacckage error

Compiling code. Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Unknown member: getstaticfield
Occurred on line: 582
package = r.GetStaticField("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA", "packageName")
Word: getstaticfield

Best Regards


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Please Forgive me; I'm Really Really new on this, would you please point me in the right direction?

Thank's in advance


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Hi Erel, Thanks for the reply
I'm just running the project provided by CobraSOFT

..Here's the r
Sub SetNinePatchButton(Btn As Button, DefaultImage As String, PressedImage As String)
Dim r As Reflector
Dim package As String
Dim idDefault, idPressed As Int
package = r.GetStaticField("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA", "packageName")
idDefault = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", DefaultImage)
idPressed = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", PressedImage)
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
Dim sd As StateListDrawable
sd.AddState(sd.State_Pressed, r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", idPressed, ""))
sd.AddCatchAllState( r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", idDefault, ""))
Btn.Background = sd
End Sub

Best Regards


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Thank's for your quick reply Erel, That was the problem.
Weird 'cause i got version 1.90

I've downloaded the 2.0 reflection version and that solves my problem

Best Regards


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I am having a problem with the code below from the grid class:

Sub GetDefaultFontSize() As Int
Dim lblDefault As Label: lblDefault.Initialize("")
Return lblDefault.TextSize
End Sub

Compiler says that wants an Activity Object. I am calling this class from another class, that if i understand correctly is out of the activity context.

Is there a way to reproduce the same behavior without needing the activity context?

EDIT: Actually going further, I have found that the Grid.Initialize also requires a Activity context. What I am trying to do is to somehow encapsulate the grid creation in a class that also knows how to handle the data, so in the activity I only define the Grid variable globally and initialize the Grid calling a method from the class.

Sub Globals
Dim pnPedido As Panel
Dim grdPedido As TGrid

Sub Activity_Create
Dim FPedidos As Pedidos
FPedidos.InitializeGrid(grdPedidos, pnPedidos)

what i am trying to achieve is to create apps that use the same classes for the data. Each app will have different ways to visualize data, so the activity is only the specific code for the overall UI, the specific code for Grid remains the almost the same.
How can I solve this Acitivity conext in this case?

And another question, i see that each time i try to use a class from another project, b4a copy the file to the project. How can I share classes thru projects? like a repository (is it the function of the library? Could the library fix the problem above?)

EDIT: I have found that this post gives the workaround
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This Grid Sample is fine when compare to other grid example,but we are facing problem for selecting row (Highlight row), how to remove the color of previously selected row.pls advise ASAP.


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Use the latest ProApp Grid Sample. In line 47, change the GRADIOBUTTON to GCHECKBOX, this will show checkboxes instead of radiobuttons. For the sample to work completely, you also have to change line 177, RadioButton to CheckBox. The sample will now show a checkbox instead of a radiobutton.

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