happy birthday


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Happy birthday for those who can only celebrate it once every 4 years!

I don't know if there are any on the forum here if so have a good one!


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As a kid at school we learned it was every 4 years but that ain't true. Some more rules are involved but as I'm not allowed to look it up and can't tell you more ;)


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Happy New Leap!
Don't understand but I think like celebrating an African king's birthday.

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Johan Schoeman

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That's the correct answer.

Based on the Gregorian calendar the average number of days per year is 365.2425 => 365 + 1/4 - 1 / 100 + 1 / 400 =>
Sub IsLeapYear(year As Int) As Boolean
   If year mod 4 = 0 Then
     If year mod 400 = 0 Or year mod 100 <> 0 Then
       Return True
     End If
   End If
   Return False
End Sub


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yesterday we had a leap year bug: we are providing a service called wmsbox.de (a web mapping service based on a cloud service). you can order it online, the shop is based on Drupal. Yesterday all our customers got an email, that their subscription has been expired yesterday....the reason was, the shop module ubercart didn't realize the 29th as a valid date. The interesting thing was, that some customers booked a new period, although it wasn't realy expired. That leads us to the decision, that every year should have a 29th of Feburary or better two...:D


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In the newspaper they mentioned that new versions of a digital tv provider in Belgium's digital decoder had a leap bug aswell.
People with such decoder couldn't watch programs as the date didn't exist :)


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so lucky, that the B4X forum wasn't affected by a leap bug...all systems up, all questions answered, all users happy...thumb up:)