Android Question How can I add a new event in xCustomListView?


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As far as I know xCustomListView now is included as internal library (lib version 1.67) but a not long time ago was a custom view until version 1.66.

My question is, how can I add an #Event: ItemLongClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) and use it in my app since there is not included the source code here -> [B4X] [XUI] xCustomListView - cross platform CustomListView?

Thank you.


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You know, first, it's very hard to read what you post in plain text, you shoud post it using code tag
Like this
Second, you should created a new thread with your question to help others that are having the same problem.
Third, you shoud debug your app and just before to add items to your LV add a break to see the execution of the code step by step.
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Peter Simpson

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Nevermind I'll try the related post where you point me out

Thank you
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Peter Simpson

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If need be you can look at the first post in the link @Myron as that is how I actually do it when it comes to Android devices, but I sent you to Erels response as that is how it should be done.

In B4J there is not LongClick so I use a double click just like in Windows.
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This is what I did to solve this:
I add this code where I am using the CLV, unfortunate the var PressedColor is not accesible, that's why I declared in my sub.

Sub CreateListItem(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
    Dim p As Panel
    p.Initialize("Panel") '<---I add the eventname Panel here
    p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, Height)
    Label1.Text = Text
    Return p
End Sub

Sub clv_ItemLongClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
   log("You pressed the Long click")
End Sub

Private Sub PanelLongClickHandler(SenderPanel As B4XView)
    Dim clr As Int = clv.GetRawListItem(SenderPanel.Tag).Panel.Color
    Dim PressedColor As Int = 0xFF7EB4FA
    Dim EventName As String = "clv"
    SenderPanel.SetColorAnimated(50, clr, PressedColor)
    If xui.SubExists(Me, EventName & "_ItemLongClick", 2) Then
        CallSub3(Me, EventName & "_ItemLongClick", SenderPanel.Tag, clv.GetRawListItem(SenderPanel.Tag).Value)
    End If
    SenderPanel.SetColorAnimated(200, PressedColor, clr)
End Sub

#If B4A
Private Sub Panel_LongClick
End Sub
#Else If B4i
    Private Sub Panel_LongClick
    End Sub
#Else If B4J
'    Private Sub Panel_MouseLongClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
'        PanelLongClickHandler(Sender)
'    End Sub
#End If

Thank you so much
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unfortunately the previous post fix the long click but disabled all the rest of the events, like click, Reachend and scrollchanged.

Can you tell me someone what did I miss? please

I am attaching a test project with the longclick enabled but the rest of the events are disabled.


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