Android Question How can i use my program with diff. Resolutions


Licensed User
Longtime User
hello all,
I'm not so new member, I do not use B4A for a long time. But now i need to adjust my program for
many diff. Smartphone resolutions. Please help.
For example, I use this string to place a bitmap button.
"Activity.AddView(PnlBitMap,One, Two, 7%x, 25dip)
for the two variable "one","Two" is it not possibile to add the l'info: "%x" and the "dip".
how can i resolve this problem. Pls.Help


Licensed User
Longtime User
It all depends on how/from where you are getting those variables...

A bit more info would help...
If you use layouts (designer) set the anchors, it makes redimensioning a lot easier
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