I need help to convert a function from vba to B4j code
How would you convert the following function?
How would you convert the following function?
Function decrypt(ByVal key As String, ByVal src As String) As String
Dim KeyPos As Integer, KeyLen As Integer, SrcAsc As Integer, dest As String, offset As Integer, TmpSrcAsc, SrcPos
KeyLen = Len(key)
offset = Val("&H" + Left$(src, 2))
For SrcPos = 3 To Len(src) Step 2
SrcAsc = Val("&H" + Trim(Mid$(src, SrcPos, 2)))
If KeyPos < KeyLen Then KeyPos = KeyPos + 1 Else KeyPos = 1
TmpSrcAsc = SrcAsc Xor Asc(Mid$(key, KeyPos, 1))
If TmpSrcAsc <= offset Then
TmpSrcAsc = 255 + TmpSrcAsc - offset
TmpSrcAsc = TmpSrcAsc - offset
End If
dest = dest + Chr(TmpSrcAsc)
offset = SrcAsc
decrypt = dest
End Function