B4J Question How do I create a jetty log file?


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Hi folks,

I am running b4jv4.20 on windows 10. I would like to have the non-ui app of mine to get the jetty server to write the log to a file so that I can write something to peruse it. I have done a lot of reading and have tried
'Set Jetty Logging Level
'Parameter: Level. Possible values: ALL|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|OFF
'See: http://download.eclipse.org/jetty/9.3.6.v20151106/apidocs/org/eclipse/jetty/util/log/StdErrLog.html
'Note: Be aware that logging contains important info. Default is INFO
'Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
'    SetLoggingLevel("OFF")
'    srvr.Initialize("srvr")
Sub SetLoggingLevel(level As String)
    Log("Set Logging Level to " & level.ToUpperCase)
    If level.Length = 0 Then Return
    Dim joJ As JavaObject    'Jetty Object
    Dim joP As JavaObject    'Properties Object
    joP.InitializeNewInstance("java.util.Properties", Null)
    joP.RunMethod("setProperty", Array("org.eclipse.jetty.LEVEL", level.ToUpperCase))
    joJ.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog", Array("JettyLog", joP))
End Sub

from rwblinn, however, I do not seem to be getting anywhere(no pun intended). Looking at the last line in that code I made the assumption that "JettyLog" was a file that would be created somewhere, but being a non-java person I may be totally wrong.

Using the above code I set the level to "INFO" (default) and ran my app from the command line but could not find any trace of "JettyLog". The app ran fine, just no log(that I could find anyway).

I wonder if anyone could enlighten me please.
