How do you get more data from Contacts2?


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It's currently missing the contact's postal address, and names for phone numbers.


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I'm making a contacts program replacement and would like the same functionality as the existing one.

My specific case example, is I have my loved ones Home, Mom, Mobile, and Dad's numbers under the same contact with different names indicating which is which. Without the names, I can't tell which number to use other than the main one.

And for addresses, I want a button to pull up a google map
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Well-Known Member
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Dang. I'm also having trouble getting SMS messages using the ID from the contact. I keep getting zero results.


Sub EnumSMSmessages(PersonID As Int) As List 
   Dim SmsMessages1 As SmsMessages, List1 As List
   If PersonID=-1 Then
      List1 = SmsMessages1.GetUnreadMessages 
      List1 = SmsMessages1.GetByPersonId(PersonID)
   End If
   Log(List1.Size & " messages found for person " & PersonID)
   For i = 0 To List1.Size - 1
       Dim theSms As Sms
       theSms = List1.Get(i)
   Return List1
End Sub
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