Android Tutorial How to change Default Android Emulator Skins (AVD) with Device Skins

1. Download the skins from

You can download skin for just one device or download all as an archive

2. Create a folder inside your android SDK folder and name it Skins
3. Copy or Extract the files downloaded in Step 1 into the skins folder.

4. Goto the B4AEmulator Folder inside the AndroidSDK, Choose the Emulator you want to change the skin for.
Inside you will see Config.ini, open it with notepad.

5. Locate and skin.path, change the NAME and PATH respectively to the skin you want. Example From

B4X: = WVGA800
skin.path = C:\androidsdk\platforms\android-28\skins\WVGA800

to this

B4X: = Pixel 7 Pro
skin.path = C:\androidsdk\skins\pixel_7_pro

Start your Emulator. you should see the new skin implemented.

6. Optional: If the emulator font seem small, CLOSE THE EMULATOR and Edit the Config Again, and change the
hw.lcd.width and hw.lcd.height, and hw.lcd.density level.
I prefer to use

hw.lcd.density = 440
hw.lcd.height = 2400
hw.lcd.width = 1080


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